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I don't know what happened to this chapter but i had to write it again because almost all of it are gone
So this will be short

I realised i didn't publish this one hahaha and i don't what happen next but all of the part of this has been gone but i remember that i wrote this hahahah crazy


Other options

"mommy!! Look what i draw!!" you look at her sketch books and smiles " its so pretty baby auntie Rosé will love it" she giggles and nod as she went back from colouring her drawing of lisa and Rosé.

You took out your phone and take a few photos of her then send it to Rosé and lisa and watch her again.

She was drawing lisa ans Rosé in a wedding dresses and it looks really cute plus her drawing was really good.

"I'll exchange this with another crayons hihihihi" she mumbles that makes you laugh hard, how clever she is.

She giggles while colouring her drawing and you were looking at her while smiling, its so good to see her happy like this, how you wish it would always like this.

A knock from the door interrupt the two of you, you look at the door to see Erick he gave you a small smiles and motion for you to come outside.

Your heart started to beat wild as you look at berry, you sigh hoping that there's nothing going wrong.

"stay here for a while" berry just nod without looking at you as she was so engrossed with her drawing. You just stare at her for a seconds before you stood up and went outside the hall.

"erick" you called him as soon as you closed the door behind you, he fix his posture and look straight at your eyes.
"please don't tell me its a bad news"

Instead if answering you he just sighs and hand you those envelopes he was holding "I'm sorry y/n" he sighs and look at you "upon checking on berry we find out that the treatment was not working for her in fact her lukemia are moving fast as we expected"

You stare at the envelope in your hands and blink your eyes a couple of times trying to gasp what he just said,

What does he mean by that?
Does that mean.....

You shake your head and pulled your hair "you said you will do anything" you mumbled as your slowly running down onto your cheeks.

"I am and i will" he also mumbled as he pull you into his arms, you cried on his shoulder as he slightly tapped your back.
"please erick I'll do anything just save my daughter i can't live without her" you whispered.

You felt him nod his head and he face you, "we have a way this is the last option we have" he lets go of you and sigh as he put his hand on the pocket of his doctor coat.

"we could give her a higher dosage in her chemo but that won't enough y/n because she really need to have a stem cells transplant" he sighs and look around and stare at you "we need chaeyoung so we could do this she is the only eligible since she's her biological mother, at this point we need a siblings for berry's but she doesn't have one and I'm sure it'll be hard to make one"

You look at him with wide eyes.
Is he serious? Does he really want you to go back in korea and face chaeyoung?

He knows everything because you tell him every single details of your journey just to have berry, you know he's doing this to berry but you don't know.

Maybe your too afraid to face her
Its not that you did something illegal but well maybe there is because you conceive berry using her eggs without her concent and how would you explain that to her??

She is freaking SON chaeyoung what if she got mad at you and she'd take berry away from you? When this happen Rosé will never Could help you.

"think about it, but think fast we don't have much time" he said tapping your shoulder before he pass by you.

You feel like you lose your knees as soon as he left you.

Why does it have to happen to you? Why do you have to be so unlucky.


Word count :762

The most shortes among this story argh
I had to write it fast because i lost everything arghhg

Not proof read

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