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5 years after

YOU sigh heavily as you look around the house, you just came back from work and the first thing you see is the crayons on the tile and in the white walls from the foyer to the living room to the kitchen and even on the stairs.

There's also marker and water colour on the couch and on the seats, you can't help but to slap your forehead as you start to question your decision in life.

You regret it now
You knew it was wrong
But you still buys her those crayons set and marker you knew she'll just do this but you bought her just because she acts cute.

Now you have to clean everything or might have call cleaner to clean the house.

"miss y/n" you look at sally who just came down from upstairs, she look down " I'm sorry i was cooking her snacks i just ask her to draw on her sketch book but didn't know she'll do this you could di duct this on my salary for today" she mumble scared and she at the sametime.

You smile as you hand her the white envelope with her salary " its not your fault its mine i shouldn't have bought her that crayons don't worry i understand here's your payment thankyou sally you can go home now" she thankfully get her money from my hand.

Sally is your baby sister she's been with you for 3 years now, among others she is the only one you could trust the other you hired first are untrustworthy, they'll always leave berry alone or invite their friends into your house, but sally is different she always takes care of berry like her own.

Sally says her good byes before she leaves
You climb upstairs as soon as you make sure that all the windows and doors are lock and safe.

You slowly opened the door of your bedroom and smile as you saw your beautiful berry lying on your bed sleeping like angel as she is.

"good night baby" you kiss her forehead before you went inside the bathroom to take a shower. You closed your eyes as you run the shower today has been so long its actually feels like forever, that's what you always feel when you were away with berry as much as possible you want to be with her always you want to be part of her daily life, but you have to work for her since she's getting old and older.

Berry, your 4 and a half year old daughter
She is smart kid and very adorable too, but she is very trouble maker, she just started at 2 years old but ever since then you have been transferring her into different kindergarten because she always punches her classmate you want to avoid big mess so you just choose to transfered but in the end you just put her into home schools and just hired teachers for her.

5 years ago you continued with ivf
It was hard and you have to try for several times but luckily after the 7th try you did it 
You had berry, but pregnancy wasn't easy either especially that your alone, so Rosé hired someone to be with you 24/7 and thru those months you just stayed at new York so Rosé had to pay for the house for that long.

Rosé make sure you and the baby was safe
Even if she's in korea or in another part of the world she never forgets about you and constantly ask for updates, Rosé did help you a lot and without her you can't do it alone.

You change into your pajamas and do your night routine, you immediately lie down onto your bed and Cuddle your cute berry.

Just like HER berry has mole on her face same position she also has a dimple they're like a twin that's why you'll never post her pictures online since you don't want any other attention, you haven't meet with Rosé outside your house because paparazzi might follow when your with Rosé. After  a few minutes you finally fall asleep.

Morning came and you were awoken by small kisses on your face as soon as you open your eyes, you were greeted by berry's cute smile showing her dimples and cute cheeks.

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