Different Baby Daddy #2

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Hey, everyone!

First things first, I broke up with my boyfriend. So, no more stories with him are coming lol.

Second, I decided to write a second chapter with my OTHER ex, AKA, Santiago. Please star and COMMENT!

Much love 💖


Canelo was now 14 months old - just over a year. He could walk decently, but lacked much conversation. He mostly cried to express his feelings.

He had thick lips like his father, as well as his dark hair, golden-brown skin, and tall and thick stance. I was grateful he had managed to gain my blue eyes, meaning he'd get at least something from me.

But of course, with Santiago meant I was likely to fall pregnant again.

After my delivery, I was left with an episiotomy scar and brief tearing. Dr. Garcia gave us 12 weeks until we could have sex again. The second he gave us the green light, Santiago was on top of me.

For my birthday on November, my present was constant sex, and there was no doubt in my mind that we conceived then, because now my 40 weeks due date was in mid-late August. I was pregnant again.

I remember being 6 months along rather vividly.

"First down, first down, first down!" Santiago was yelling at the TV as the Cowboys and Texans played. Canelo sat on his leg as he watched the game closely. "Come on!"

"Can you quiet down a little?" I asked him as I tried to make dinner.

"Babe, it's a big game."

"You're being loud."

He huffed to himself and likely rolled his eyes.

"Thank you."

"Can you get me a diet Dr. Pepper from the fridge?" he asked. I groaned and obliged.

I walked towards him and handed it to him. "I've asked you to not drink caffeine while I'm pregnant."

"Come on," he replied. "Just cuz you're pregnant doesn't mean I shouldn't get to enjoy things."

"I'm just saying, I'm carrying your kid; I think it's a little unfair. Don't you?"

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