Baby Cinco - ALT birth two

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Hey, y'all!

So I talked to my bf about possible births for our final baby, and we had a few ideas. I liked them all I decided to have more than one bit scenario. So, all of these are "alternative" births to each other!

Here is the second alternative to our last kid!


Daniel and I decided to have the baby in the barn.

For Yara, we thought it would be hilarious to joke and say it, but it somehow became something we wanted to happen. We obviously didn't have her that way, but for this baby, we wanted to make that a reality.

So this week, while his mother was staying with us, we told her of our plan. And, just earlier today, I felt a heavy contraction as I was putting dishes away with her.

"Oof," I said as I set one hand on the counter and the other on my belly. "Oh..."

"Qué paso?"

"Bebé," I said. "Bebé," I repeated.

I groaned and she came to my aid, rubbing my back with her hands.


For a first contraction, it hurt like hell.

In ran Ánder, his feet clacking against the floor.

"What's going on?" Ánder asked.

"Get your dad," I huffed, her thumbs pressing against my pelvis. "Oooh..."

"Are you okay, mamá?"

"Yeah, I think your sibling wants to make their way out soon," I said as it ended, signaling to Maria she could move her hands. "Please go get your Papi."

Ánder ran out to go find his dad, and within a minute, Daniel returned with Ánder and Marína, holding Yara on his hip.

"Daniel," I groaned, my arms around his neck as he came to my aid.

"I've got you, baby. Samuel is having his nap."

"It's already pretty bad," I said.

"I understand," he said, giving Yara to his mom and speaking to her in Spanish. She left the kitchen with all three of the kids.

"It fucking hurts," I sighed.

"I've got you," he comforted our foreheads against each other. My heavy breaths mingled with his soft ones for three minutes before another contraction came back in. "Deep breaths in," he said, hands on my hips. My arms tightened and I felt myself barely squatting.

"Oooooh," I moaned. "Oh, God..."

"Deep breaths, amor," he said. "Deep, deep breaths."

I released another shallow breath before a twisting began to grow in my abdomen. "Ow, ow, ow... shit, ow!"

"What's wrong?"

"Uggggh," I huffed, my hands moving to the bottom of my bump as he set his hands by his side, and my water broke in my pants.

"Oh, fuck," he said before laughing. "We're having a baby!"

"Oww..." I whined, and he came back to his senses.

"Sorry," he said. "Sorry, sorry."

"Just hold me," I begged.


I was in labor on the ranch, the sun set. Daniel was next to me, and I felt a surge of pain rush through me.

"Fuck," I groaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

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