Secret Life #1

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What is this, you may be wondering?

I'm re-writing the dream births based on how life will probably go if my Danito and I stay together. So in this, we live here in Dallas still, and I have a midwife service eith my bestie Rina, and Daniel owns a business that does carpenter stuff, construction, landscaping, roofing, etc.

So these are the births of our children where he does not play soccer professionally and I am not a midwife.

Much love 💖💘❤💗💕


28 years old, both of us. It was May 22nd, 2031. I was going to turn 29 later this year, while Daniel had already had his birthday.

Daniel ran a carpenter business. They did roofing, landscaping, and more physical labor like that. I ran a midwife business with my friend Rina, and we'd delivered hundreds of babies by this point, and we were more than grateful for it. I had gone to nursing school and did a midwife program, and worked 6 months in the labor and delivery unit before I decided to open a business with Rina, who was roughly 2 years younger than I was.

Daniel and I got married when we were 26, on September 30th, which was our anniversary. We decided to wait a little bit before deciding to get pregnant. When we decided we wanted a kid, we found ourselves not having to try very hard - I got pregnant very easily.

Daniel was ecstatic. He was determined to be the best father there was. He built a crib all by himself, and when we talked about possibly having another couple of babies after this one, we talked about adding to the home.

We lived in a Mexican-styled two-story home that we owned. It had 5 bedrooms, which meant we'd have enough room for 4 kids. But, Daniel "secretly" wanted more than 4 kids. He was determined to have a large army of children to come home to. I didn't necessarily blame him, because large families were part of our culture.

I did tell him I wanted our kids to finish school, though. I wouldn't force them to attend college, but I wanted them to get high school over with, which he agreed to.

So here we were, at 9:45 in the morning, watching old cartoons. We'd pretty much just wait around now, waiting for Ánder to make his debut.

I could Daniel was impatient. He read up on all the ways to induce labor, the most prominent one being sex. For the last week, we'd have sex at least twice a day.

It wasn't like I was overdue, he just wanted Ánder to arrive finally.

As he headed into th4 kitchen to grab a snack, I stretched out my legs and yawned, curling my toes. And with that, my stomach began to twist.

I grimaced at the feeling, unused to what this was.

But as it went away after mere seconds, I could tell that it was the first contraction.

Daniel walked in and sensed my discomfort.

"You alright?" he asked.

"I think I just felt my first contraction."

He gasped. I noticed a glimmer of hope and happiness in his eyes at the thought of the baby finally making its way, but it was mixed in with anxiety and concern. "Does it hurt?"

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