you make her jealous (requested)

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"Chaewon? Baby?" You said as you poked her cheek.

But she didn't even turn her head to look at you.

She just continued to talk and laugh with the girls at the table that you're all sitting at together.

It's been like that for the last little while, pretty much since you entered the restaurant and met up with the girls at the table.

You can't help but wonder to yourself if she even knows that you're still sitting there with her because, honestly, you feel invisible right now since she hasn't paid any attention to you whatsoever.

You breathed out a sad sigh before laying your cheek on your palm.

Just as you did so, the waitress came over to the table, and since you were sitting on the outside of the booth today, you knew that this could be your chance to get Chaewon's attention.

"How are you ladies doing? Do you need anything?" The waitress asked and you took a second to try and get Chaewon's attention, only for her to continue and ignore you.

So, that's when you brought out your flirtatious side - one you usually only use with Chaewon.

"Hi," You said as you sank your teeth into your lip. "You know, I could use a refill."

You handed her your glass and purposely brushed her fingers with yours as she grabbed it from you.

"I'll be right back with that." She said with a bright smile.

You looked back at Chaewon but she wasn't paying attention to you.

But make no mistake - she'd seen what you'd done.

Sakura is the one that saw and quickly grabbed Chaewon's attention but your girlfriend was quick to brush it off as nothing and continue to pay attention to her friends.

That only made you take things up a notch.

"Here you go," The waitress kindly spoke as she set your drink down in front of you.

"Thank you so much." You said and this time, as her hand lingered near your glass, you caressed it with yours.

Chaewon noticed, her head quickly turning upon seeing that from the corner of her eye.

"What's your name? I'm Y/N."


"Amy, what a pretty name." You said as you began to twirl your hair around your fingers. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."

That made Chaewon's jaw clench.

"Thank you!" She replied with a blush on her cheeks.

"So, tell me, Amy. What are you doing when you get off of your shift?" You asked as you, once again, bit your lip in a flirty manner.

"Okay, that's enough," Chaewon said before she slipped past you and got out of the booth.

Grabbing your hand, she pulled you up and towards the restroom before pulling you into a stall.

"What was that?"

"What was what? I was only talking to Amy."

"I don't care who she is, Y/N! You were flirting with her."

"Well, someone was so busy paying attention to her friends that I felt sorta invisible. Amy is the only one that I had to talk to."

Chaewon hung her head as she pieced everything together.

"You made me jealous on purpose."

"Did it work?" You asked as a smirk tugged at your lips.

"What do you think, darling? Why do you think I dragged you in here?" She asked before putting her lips on yours. "I'm sorry for not paying attention to you. I was just distracted with the girls."

She pulled away from your lips after a few steamy kisses and began to pepper kisses across your neck instead as she laced her fingers with yours.

"I didn't mean to make you feel invisible, darling. That's the last thing I ever want to do."

You looked a little sad as she looked back at you and she could tell that you were genuinely saddened by spending the last little while with no one to talk to, leaving you feeling lonely and, understandably, a little invisible.

"I'm truly sorry." She said before pecking your lips a few times.

"It's okay. I guess I got my revenge." You said with a satisfied smile and she shook her head with a chuckle.

"You did." She said as she kissed you again.

"And it worked out well because seeing you so jealous is kinda hot."

"Yeah?" She asked as she kissed your face. "What do you say we get out of here and go home then?"

"No. I want to spend a little more time with the girls." You said and sent her a wink, making her whine as you unlocked the stall and pulled her out of the bathroom and back to the table with a smirk on your face the whole way.

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