when you moan in your sleep to see her reaction (requested)

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"Are you still sleeping, baby?" Chaewon asked as she crawled into bed beside you.

She peeked over your shoulder to see if your eyes were still closed and she breathed out a long sigh upon seeing that you were still sound asleep.

She arrived home about fifteen minutes ago and when she came upstairs, she saw that you were fast asleep on her side of the bed.

She didn't want to disturb you so she just gave you a kiss on your forehead and covered you up before grabbing some clean pajamas and going into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush her teeth.

But when she exited the bathroom, she saw you were on your side of the bed.

She got a little hopeful that, maybe, you were awake enough to steal a kiss or two before she'd cuddle you and fall asleep with you in her embrace.

But it seems that you're out cold.

So she just kissed your cheek and turned off the light before laying back and closing her eyes.

However, something that she heard made her eyes fly back open a few seconds later.

For a second, she wondered if what she thought she heard had actually happened.

Maybe she was so tired that she started to quickly drift into a nice dream.

But when she heard it again, she knew she wasn't dreaming and you were actually letting the sound slip from your lips in your sleep.


You were moaning in your sleep beside her.

And you didn't stop at two.

Another moan fell from your lips, followed by another, and Chaewon tried to resist the urge to wake you up and kiss you by closing her eyes and falling asleep.

"Just sleep, Chaewon." She quietly told herself, trying her best to just rest so she didn't disturb your slumber.

But any control she had before disappeared by what you did next.

"Chaewon," you moaned.

She quickly turned the lamp on and pushed away the blanket before hovering over you, lips passionately moving against your neck in only a heartbeat.

"Chaewon?" You mumbled as you pretended to wake up and stare at her with tired eyes. "What are you doing?"

"You're telling me that you don't know what you just did, baby?" She asked as she kissed the corners of your lips.

You tried to hold back a smirk but when you caught a glimpse of the needy look in her eyes, you couldn't hold it back.

"You moaned in your sleep, baby. And it was sexy."

"Yeah?" You asked as you tilted your head back as she started to kiss your jaw. "What if I said that I wasn't sleeping?"

She pulled away and cupped your cheeks in her hands, gazing at you with curious eyes.

"What was that, baby?"

She wasn't exactly asking you.

She was almost daring you to continue.

"I was awake the whole time. I just wanted to see how you'd react to that."

She started to brush her thumb below your lip as she smiled a little, only to sink her teeth into her lip.

"So... you were just teasing me, hm?"

You shrugged your shoulders wordlessly before she leaned in and passionately kissed you.

"Naughty." She joked as she deepened the kiss.

"We should go to sleep now, huh?" You jokingly asked as you pulled away from her. "You must be tired."

"Not a chance, baby girl," She said as she pulled you in for another kiss. "Forget about sleep. We're going to be making out for a while instead."

You didn't argue with that.

You just kissed her deeply and pulled her closer, happy that your idea to tease her turned out like this.

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