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I am 100% not going to have Ariel turn into a mermaid everytime she touches water... unsure if she will ever! It is just too much.

Carlisle was at work, the 'kids' was at school and Esme was on the phone in the living room. Ariel stood on the back porch looking into the woods. She could not understand the urge to wonder around the trees bare foot, however that is what she did. 

Taking off the sandless that Alice forced upon her feet earlier that morning. Ariel stepped off of the last step and into the grass. She turned back towards the open door watching to see if Esme heard before heading into the tree line. 

You could clearly see a worn path through the trees that Ariel followed. Her bright blue eyes scanned the green leaves and brown trunks. Her delicate fingers brushed over the leaves and her toes wiggled in the grass. It was not until she watched a small deer head into the brush after his mother that Ariel stepped off of the path. 

Her eyes scanned ahead as she begun to step upon flowers and tree limbs that fell to the ground. A small laugh escaped her lips as she watched the pack of deer walk towards a stream. Ariel sat down near the water, her toes dipping into the water. She watched the baby deer she had followed earlier drink from the stream. 

Her eyes were trained onto the deer, and she had not noticed crossed from the stream a pure black wolf appearing. The brown eye wolf watched the female with a blank expression. it was clear he could smell the Cullen scent upon the wolf with its nose twitching. 

"Oh my goodness!" Ariel spoke, shocked when she looked up "Carlisle was right!" 

Sam, the wolf, titled his head when he heard Ariel speak about the Carlisle. 

"It is okay." Ariel lowered her voice as she stood up. "I won't tell." A small giggle escaped from her lips. 

When Ariel stood, she placed one foot onto a wet rock. Sam moved closer to the water edge as he watched the women move her other foot off of the ground. It was only then when Sam heard movement behind him did Ariel slip. 

Her knee came crashing down onto the rocks in the river and Sam took off. It was as if time stood still for the Ariel. Her blue dress was now wet and she could see the water slowly turning red. Her eyes travel down towards her knee as she sees a giant gash upon her skin. 

"Oh my goodness!" Esme appeared, gently lifting the girl out of the water. "What was you thinking?" Esme cradled the girl against her chest as she rushes back towards the home. 

It seemed only a few seconds before she was placed upon the counter. Esme brought the phone up towards her ear and a few seconds later begun to talk. 

"It is Ariel." Esme spoke, as she reached above the fridge to get a first aid box. "She fell and cut her knee open." Esme opened the box and dug around for a white alcoholic wipe. "Okay see you soon."

"This is going to hurt." Esme opened the wipe before pulling out a white cloth. She gently dabbed it upon Ariel knee before taking a giant bandage from the first aid kit and placed it upon Ariel knee. Esme moved and picked her up again, heading towards the garage. 

"Carlisle is going to meet us at the entrance of the hospital, I am pretty sure you need stiches." Esme placed Ariel in the passenger seat before pulling out of the garage. 

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