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Ariel stood in the kitchen with the Cullens around her. Carlisle and Esme stood at the stove while preping some cookies, Ariel was watching each step that Esme made from placing the items into the bowel, to Carlisle handing the mixer towards her.

Rosalie and Emmett sat on the stoles in the center of the kitchen. Emmett laughing as Ariel turned the mixer on high and Alice having to run over to shut it off.

Jasper stood near the window, ready to jump out if he needed to control his hunger, however humor was seen within his eyes.

"There here." Esme spoke, turning her head towards the entrance of the room.

All the fun seemed to be taken out of everyone. After placing the tray into the over Carlisle moved back over towards his wife and mate.

Emmett stood up to great the group while Edward led the way, Bella was behind with Charlie. Everyone could see the smirk she held in place, while the humans might take it as one of worry the Cullens knew what it was for.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Cullen, Bella here told me that you guys found someone who is not sure of her homes location?" Charlie glanced around before his eyes settled on Ariel.

Carlisle moved slightly so Ariel was behind him, her fingers lacing into his shirt while Esme placed a gentle hand upon her back.

"Ah Charlie, welcome in please sit down." Carlisle gestured towards the seat. "In a way your daughter is not wrong."

Bella gave a confused look towards Carlisle while the Cullens hid the smirk upon their own face.

"Please do explain, Carlisle." Charlie spoke.

"As you know, our kids are growing old. Some having become married and moved out of the home. So Esme and myself having already trusted within the adoption company decided to open our doors once more." Carlsile moved over, taken Ariels hand as he moved towards the chairs.

"Ah, I do see." Charlie spoke, opening up his notebook to write a few things down.

" I think Isabella might have heard the tail end of a conversation and got worried." Esme moved, placing her hands gently on Ariels shoulder while standing behind her.

"I am happy she went straight to you, as you being within the authority, however I wish she would have come to us first to save you the trouble." Carlisle spoke again, his hand moving towards Ariel thigh under the table.

"So, this female is one you are considering for adoption?" Charlie spoke, glancing towards Ariel.

"Yes, we look for children who are about to outgrow the foster system. Ones who might be constantly over looked and such." Esme spoke, glancing around the kitchen as she noticed the others moving off to do their own thing.

"Well..." Charlie spoke, closing his notebook "you guys do a wonderful thing here." He moved to stand up right as the oven beeped.

"I'll let you go to your dinner. I am sorry for the bother."

"None at all Mr. Swan." Carlisle spoke as Charlie left.


Sorry for the mega short chapter that seems to bounce all over... this was typed on my cellphone.

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