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A piece of paper hung up upon the door. Ariel woke up from her nap feeling confused and fuzzy headed. She would roll around within the silky beading before sitting up. it took her a moment to remember what happen and where she was before moving from the bed. 

Ariel stopped at the door when she stared at the paper. The top of it said a single word that caused the red hair girl to let out a chuckle giggle. 


1. No speaking to strangers without permission from Mommy or Daddy. 

2. Stay by Mommy and Daddy's side when out and about, no wandering off. 

3. Always refer to Esme and myself as Mommy and Daddy. 

         --> in public, you can refer to us as Esme and Carlisle. 

4.  Bed time is 11:00pm, unless stated by Mommy or Daddy. 

5. No technology thirty minutes before bed, we want your mind to be calmed before sleeping. 

6. Only one stuff allowed in bed with you during the night. 

7.  Never touch yourself, Your privates belong to Mommy and Daddy. 

8. Always keep your comfort object with you, this being either one of your stuffies or your favorite blank. 

9. Eat three meals a day including vegetables, Ask someone in the house to cook something for you if you get hungry. 

10. No swearing. 

11. If your mental health goes down, Come tell Mommy and Daddy. 

12. Do not keep secrets from us. 

13. Keep good hygiene: Brush your teeth, take a bath, use deodorant. 

14. Pick up after yourself (Ie. Crafts, play room, toys.)


* Will write a 500 word summary about a book you have read. 

* Get a magazine, grab a black marker and fill in every letter 'O'.

* Stand against the wall for a length of time. 

* Early bedtime. 


* Extended bedtime. 

* Extra sweets during the day. 

* A shopping with one of the girls. 

Taken hold of the paper, she opens the bedroom slowly before walking down the steps. Ariel knew that what occurred yesterday when she meant the two people who now claim to be her doms did happen. 

She wasn't sure why she felt this attachment to these two people. She knew that she had just meant them and couldn't understand why they had this hold upon her. 

Ariel shook her head slightly as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Her blue eyes widen as she stared at the pile of bags and room items sitting in the entrance of the house. 

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