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Hello friends, I wish to mention something before making this chapter. I am a full time college student, and a full time teacher working with Pre K. I do have a life outside of Wattpads and writing story's. I have had a few people comment upon my books and asking when the next chapter will be. Asking for me to write a chapter today. I am almost positive within my intro section that I have stated my chapters will be slow. If it is not stated, then I will go and post it. No one is in trouble, I just wish to let you all know that any of my stories upon this website will be slow update! 

The three of them where currently sitting along the window wall in Ariel room. Carlisle was laying with Esme against a few pillows stacked up and Ariel was resting her head on Carlisle lap. She currently had Esme arm within her hold while staring at the sparkles that seemed to dance against the sun. Anytime she turned the arm and watched the sparkles move, she could not help but laugh. 

"So." Ariel said as she moved to sit up. Looking towards the two vampires, who claimed her as there mate. "You guys are vampire's?" she asked, not moving her look. 

"Yes." Carlisle said, as he reached his hand out towards her. 

Ariel gladly accepted his hand, only to be pulled into his lap. Esme laughed at the shocked expression that appeared upon Ariel face before she related into her mates side. 

"Why do you sparkle?" Ariel asked, as she kept her gaze upon the different shimmering lights that danced across her walls. 

"Truly?" Esme started to speak. "We don't know. The best guess we can give is that it has something to do with the cells crystallizing when the venom changes our bodies. If you look at our skin." Esme held out her arm in front of her. "It has this marble like texture and when the sunlight reflects off of it, it just sparkles." 

Ariel nodded as she kept her look upon Esme arm for a few more minutes before speaking. "Do you guys have any enemies?" 

"Well." Carlisle spoke as he ran his fingers through Ariel's hair. "Across the forest is a treaty. Within that treaty we have a truce with the wolves." 

Ariel jumped up slightly as she turned her whole body towards Carlisle. "Wolves?" Her eyes widen "There is giant puppies?" 

Esme laughed as she leaned forward. "Calm down love, Yes there are wolfs within the area." 

"That is so cool." Ariel spoke, as she picked up one of the fuzzy pillows, hugging it to her chest. 

"The wolfs have what is known as a leader, Sam Uley, It is similar to how I am the coven leader." Carlisle continued. "They claim the only reason for shifting is because of our presence, however I don't know how true that is. Wolf's can easily harm vampires and the same is the other way around. Vampires, due to there strength can harm wolfs." 

"Don't get hurt!" Ariel interrupted Carlisle explanation as she tighten her hold upon the pillow.

"Don't worry." Esme smiled, brushing her fingers against Ariel's cheek. 

"We have a truce with the Uley pack." Carlisle spoke once more. "They do not come upon our land, we do not hunt upon there land." 

Ariel nods, as she turns towards the door when someone knocks. With a small frown Esme moves to stand as Carlisle takes her place beside Ariel. 

When Esme opens the door, Alice and Jasper walk in. The look upon Alice's face is not something Carlisle wished to see. 

"What happen?" Esme asks, as she moves back to her mates. 

"Bella called Charlie." Alice states, walking with Jasper over towards the group. 

"He is on his way over." Jasper continues. "Bella told him, there was a lost person needing help here." 

Carlisle held Ariel tightly while Esme just stared. "How soon?" He asked. 

"Three maybe five minutes." Alice spoke.


Important!🌫Hello Fishes! Question below if you wish to answer. 

        >What is your favorite type of juice? I personally love Apple Juice or White cranberry!

🌫 If you need a reminder of what Fin looks like, Go to the first page of the story.

🌫 Just a warning, I am a full time college student and also I am a teachers assistance for Pre K students. This means that I may not be able to post every single day. I will try though!

Thank you for reading!!!

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