Off Guard

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This, my friends, is the end.

Not really, but I have been working on this book for over two years, and with so many parts, I will be starting a second book called "The Girl with a Broken Mind."

Please enjoy this hectic and long chapter!

Not spell checked!

The weapons bay is a huge room, lined with shelves full of anything weapons, each equally destructive. It is dark, our flashlights casting shadows off different shades.

Omega ran off a while ago, going to help Tech at the bridge. I am by myself, in the corner of the room, pulling a cart behind me. It is rather heavy, and I struggle, huff and puffing before coming to a stop.

Tugging off a inactivated bomb, I slide it onto the roller cart next to me. Standing on my toes, I reach up to grab the next ones, but a hand finds my waist, scooting me over.

"You aren't going to be able to reach that, Mesh'la." Hunter says, reaching past me and pulling the cylindrical shaped canister out. I huff, crossing my arms.

  "I'm afraid you aren't that much taller than me, Sargent." I remark. "Aren't you like five foot nine?"

He sighs, rolling his eyes. I smile at him, leaning forward so my body is resting on the cart, quirking an eyebrow at him.

  "I'm five foot eleven, Ava. If I'm not wrong, that's still a ways taller than you." He says, and I grin.

  "I wouldn't call it 'a ways'." I snip, and he raises his eyebrows at me. I smirk at him, and he sighs. His eyes trail to my lips, before jerking back up to my eyes.

"Come on, let's move." He says, clearing his throat, his face becoming dusted in red in his embarrassment of being caught.

  "Just kiss me already, Hunter." I say, standing to my full height and stepping towards him. He blushes, and I tilt me head, kissing his mouth, my hand on his jaw. My eyes flutter closed, because I want to enjoy this.

My hands move to his hair, tangling around his bandana as his hands sneak to my hips, pulling me towards him by the loops in my tactical belt.

His lips are chapped and worn, slightly cracked like old leather. But the urgency behind them has me seeing stars, bright flashes flying past the inside of my eyelids, like traveling in light speed.

I pull away from him as our comms beep, causing him to sigh in disappointment.

  But then the lights flicker on, and Echo clears his throat from somewhere behind Hunter. The Sargent spins around, hand on his blaster, before huffing.

  "You two done?" Echo asks gruffly, placing a hand on his hip as Hunter ducks his head.

  "Kriff me." He mutters, embarrassed. I place a hand on his armored shoulder, glaring at Echo.

  "Look at you, embarrassing him!" I say playfully, and he just sticks his tongue out at me.

  "Come on, let's head towards the Maurader." He says, waving his hand. "Tech and Omega should be finished up at the bridge any second."

"We can load these babies onboard and get out of here!" Wrecker cries excitedly, pushing a cart past the isle we are in. It is stacked precariously with bombs, and I can't help thinking it might be a hazard. Echo seems to think the same thing, cause he races after him.

"Wrecker! That's not safe!" He yells. I turn around to my own cart, but Hunter spins me back around, grinning as he pulls me into a hug. I lean into him, tracing patterns in his armor.

  "We're never going to get time alone, huh, Cyare?" Hunter mutters, his arms tightening around my waist and pulling me impossibly closer to him. I smile, running my fingers through his hair, and he hums in contentment.

   "Probably not, Cyar'ika." I say, and he smiles at me.

  "Adopting some Mando'a?" He says, joy lighting his face. I grin.

  "Don't get too excited. Come on, let's get moving."


I walk besides Wrecker, helmet in hand, peering down at the holo map. The blue light cast a gentle glow in the hallway, and I point towards the right.

  "Down that passageway." I say to Hunter, stepping out of the way to give Echo the space to turn the cart around. "It should slope downwards to a ramp, where we can get to the hangar."

  "We can start loading the ship as soon as--" All four of our comms beep in unison, causing us to look at each other in alarm, before Tech speaks up.

  "Hunter, we've got company." He speaks, his monotone and calm voice somehow laced with panic. Hunter starts moving towards the bridge, I follow after him.

  "Scrappers?" He asks as I catch up, pulling my helmet over my head. The dark hallway is illuminated with it's night vision, making it clear and visible.

  "I'm afraid not." Tech says- I hear Omega speaking in the background. "It's the Empire."

  "It's Crosshair." Hunter says, almost breathlessly. "He found us." He slows, before shaking his head, picking up his pace again.

  "I'll be right there. Watch Omega." He says, before switching off his comm. "Kriffing hells, we can't get a break."

  "It's okay." I say, smiling at him even though I know he can't see it. "We have handled much worst monsters then Crosshair."

  "You don't understand, Del." Hunter says, his voice sharp. "Crosshair's not the same. He's not acting like my... acting like my brother. I'm afraid he won't stop at anything until he finds us."

  I have nothing to say to comfort him.


The bridge is huge, bigger than any ship I have ever been in. As I slip inside behind Hunter, tripping in my urgency to get to Omega.

"Oh, love." I say as she runs towards me, pulling me into a hug. I kiss her forehead, watching Hunter speak quietly to Tech, the lights from the ships outside glaring through the foggy windows.

  "Crosshair's here." She mumbles, and I pull off my helmet, handing it to her.

  "I know, love. We'll be out of here in no time. We always do." I say, gently tilting her chin up to look at me. She looks so downcast and depressed, like the last hour has put a weight on her shoulders.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Del. Like— like not all of us will make it out."

Keep your eyes peeled for The Girl With A Broken Mind coming February!!



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