Cut and Su.

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    Hello my beloved readers and fellow batchers!! Ya'll know the drill for this long chapter:
Fasten your seatbelts.

Prepare for Omega cuteness.

  And keep your arms and legs inside the havoc murader at all times.
   Happy reading!!

Everyone is gathered in the center of the shuttle, preparing to exit. Echo walks up to me, holding out his hand.
  In it is a small hand blaster. It is commonly used for concealed carry purposes and undercover missions.

  "You might need this." I nod at him, taking the blaster and sliding it into the holster on my hip.

  Hunter places his hand on the panel next to the door, and it slides open.  Bright sunlight fills the cabin, and I can hear creatures moving and making noises outside.

   But it is the sunlight that captures my attention. My body wants to move towards it, like a plant that is starved for its warmth.

  All the light in Kamino was fake, and for the last year, all the sun I had received was bulbs and screens.

  Tech gestures for me to go first. I follow Hunter out the door and down the steps.

  Stepping onto the firm ground, with the warmth of the sun on my skin, I inhale deeply, before looking around at our surroundings. We landed in a clearing, but there are clumps of tall, alien like plants not far from us. Small, green creatures, with round bodies and long, disproportionate legs ran away from us.
  One let out a loud squeaking noise.

   "So," I say to Hunter, placing a hand on my hip.
"How far is this 'friend'?"

  He opens his mouth to speak, but gets distracted by something behind me. I turn on my heel, watching Omega move tentatively down the steps. I smile at her reaction to stepping onto the ground. She gasps in surprise, kneeling down and grabbing at the dirt.

  "What is this?" She asks in surprise.

  "That, would be dirt." Tech replies, adjusting his goggles.

  The small girl gasps as it falls through her fingers, creating a small cloud.
     "It's.... Amazing!" I smile at her.

  "Come on, love!" I call. "It's time to get moving!"
She scrambles to her feet, excitement written over her features. Trotting to me, she grasps my hand.
    "Lead the way, Hunter!" I say. The Sargent waves his hand, leading our small group forward through the bush.

   The alien bushes have large bulbs, their weight making the bushes bend. Omega reaches out her hand, gently stroking one as we walk past.

  "Delta," Omega whispers. "Are all planets like this?"

  I shrug. "Some are, but some are completely different. Some are covered in jungles and wetlands, while others are entirely frozen. Or, like Kamino, they can be cover in Ocean."

   "Wow." Omega breathes. A giant smile cover her face, and she starts skipping. "I'm going to see them all."

  "I'm sure." I say encouragingly, lapsing into silence. My attention is drawn to the conversation the boys are having in front of us.

   "Staying off the radar isn't our specialty, but he has been doing it for years." Hunter calls over his shoulder to Echo.
  Omega lets go of my hand, weaving pass Tech and Echo, and then coming to a trot next to Wrecker.

  "Why does he hide?" Echo asks.

  "Hiding. That's what deserters do."  Tech answers.

  "Why did he desert?" I say, fingering my blaster as some kind of creature makes noise off the path.
  Before Tech can answer, Hunter holds up his fist, bringing the group to a halt.
   Omega rushes to his side, looking at something near the ground. I peer around Echo but I still can't see anything. He notices and moves to the side, and I slip next by him, coming to a stop next to Hunter.

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