Escaping Saleucami

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    I am dedicating this chapter to FandomTrashBin69 , who has been with me the entire ride. Thanks for all your votes and comments, friend!
(She also has a BOATLOAD of amazing stories y'all should check out. :)

Tw: Slight blood, long chapter.

Delta's POV

The ships hatch was open, the ramp down. I make my way up the steps, glancing around the ship.

  I see Gonky, who is powered down, charging. In the crate next to him is Hunter and I's armor.

  "Omega?" I call out, pausing to wait for an answer. I slip through the ship, glancing at each room, but they are all empty. Peering into the Gunner's bay, I see Omega's small feet dangling off the seat.


  I crouch down next to her, grabbing her hand. She is looking down at her headpiece, silent tears rolling down her face.
   "Aww, love, come here." I pull her into a hug. She chokes out a sob, crying into my chest.

  "I-I-I-I'm so s-s-s sorry."

  "Hey, Omega, it's okay, you didn't know."

  "J-J-Jek told me not to go out, but I d-d-didn't listen.."

I stay silent as I rock back and forth, slowly calming her.

  "It's okay." I repeat. "What's done is done."

(Time skip brought to you by Tech&Echo, nerdy buddies LLC.)

I hum a tune, gently rocking Omega back and forth. Her crying stopped a while ago, but her breaths are still coming out short, ragged gasps.

   I heard Tech and Echo enter the ship not long after I did; their deep voices reaching us as they discuss the chain codes.

The Gunners Bay is darkened as a large ship stops above the Havoc Marauder. I glance up, recognizing the large police shuttle; our ship had been reported.

  "Tech?" I call out as the shuttle slowly lowers. Picking Omega up, I set her back on the seat. "Stay here." I murmur, moving back into the belly of the ship.

  The ship shakes as the tracker rays attach to it, and I place my hand on the wall for support.

  "Echo? Tech?" The both turn to look at me, surprise evident in their faces.

  "This changes things." Tech remarks, pushing up his goggles.

  "Changes what? Was getting the ship towed part of your plan?"

  Tech speaks into the his comm.
"This was the only logical solution."

"Omega's on the ship!" Hunter and I yell furiously at the same time.
Omega peeks around the chair.

"I think it's a good plan, Tech."

Echo groans next to me, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Go put your armor on. We will fill you in."


I clamber onto the top of the ship, wiggling my way past the wing. My fingers grip the top of the viewport, pulling myself up.

   "Alright Echo," I say into the Comm in my helmet. "You are all clear to the tower."

  Looking through the scope, I watch my friend hurry across the dark shipyard, slipping into the building that had the chain codes.

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