The crash

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AN: I did not check this chapter, be aware of spelling mistakes and typos!

I groan, rolling my neck. Sleeping sitting up against the hard wall was not the best idea I have ever had.

I'm not sure how long I slept for, but it was a needed rest.

Gonky lets out a happy beep, and I smile at him, patting his head.
    "It's good to see you, buddy. Thanks for keeping my demons away."

He beeped again, and I smiled at him.

It was in fact one of the first full nights of sleep I had gotten in a long while. Sleep paralysis demons and nightmares haunted my nights, and while I was with Fennec I usually drowned them out with alcohol. Although I was under legal drinking age, she always managed to slip me a strong bottle of whiskey.

When I first moved in to protect Omega, she was the one who kept them away. Her late night rants distracted my mind, and the demons seemed to stay away.

  But they always came back, and like a predator they would unexpectedly pounce, catching me at my weakest moments.

   I would wake up, sweat rolling down my face and my body shaking. I would usually continue to sob, but silently so I wouldn't awake Omega.

     I wouldn't get any more sleep those nights.

I glance around the ship, quickly spotting Omega: I quietly watch her tap away at a Data Pad, munching on what looks like a ration bar.

"You're up." Hunter says, a large rectangular box in his hands. I nod wordlessly, avoiding his face. He sighs, kneeling down in front of me.

"Delta, look. I... apologize for what happened back there. I wanted to tell you, but I just didn't get the chance. In all honesty, I was just trying to do what's best for the kid."

I wrap my arms around my legs, pulling them up to my chest.
"So that's all I get? Excuses?"

I am being sour, and I know it.

He sighs, opening the box and handing me a ration bar.

"Here." He gives me a sad smile before standing, placing the box of rations in the compartment.

  The lights flicker, before going out. Hunter groans.
   "Echo! The lights went out again!" There is a loud groan from the front of the ship.

  "I'll get right too it, as soon as I finish all the other stuff I have to do." I hear him mutter something, walking past us into the Cockpit.

The ship rattles strangely, and Hunter's gaze raises to the roof.

"Hmm." He says, going to move to the front of the ship.

That's when the ship yanks violently to the right.

  Gonky goes flying, and I with him. I throw my hands out in front of me, grunting as they bare my body weight. Banging my head, I groan, clutching it with my hand.

  Gloved hands grab my forearm, yanking my upwards as the ship makes sickening descend downwards.

"You okay Del?" Wrecker yells over the sound of emergency sirens. I nod, watching in a daze as he opens up the four emergency landing seats along the wall, sitting Omega in one and fastening her in.

"Get her buckled up!" Hunter yells, rushing back into the cabin as the ship violently shakes; we must be entering an atmosphere.

Hunters eyes land on me, still leaning against the wall. It happens so fast I can barely process it. He is next to me, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up, rushing me to the seat. Plopping me down, he pulls the metal strap over my head and fastens it to my seat.

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