51: Mess...

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Third person P.O.V

Jungkook walked like a corpse, with no emotion in his eyes when he reached the rooftop of the same building he confronted Jung Jaehan, just to clear his mind. His hands moved up to ruffle his hair, his mask still on but the black goggles have gone now.

The name of the person was fresh in his mind, making his blood boil but, he needed to clear up his own thoughts before giving a final blow to it. Even when he wanted to end this up as soon as possible to make his heart feel at peace, the other part of his heart was stopping him, because ending it sooner means, he would be away from the love of his life soon, what a waste...

"Ha, life is really a game." A small sigh of frustration made its way out of his chapped lips when he gazed up at the cloudy sky. The rainy season had arrived, and he never liked it much, clouds were fine in the daytime, but the rains just made him feel uncomfortable, all gloomy and lonely, just like he was.

Finding his phone buzzing in his pocket, Jungkook groaned a bit when his arm hurt from the sudden movement before he attended the call of Yoongi.

"Your boy is not eating anything, and from his appearance, it looked like he got some fever. Come early, I completed everything else for our departure too."

"I'm coming," Ending the call feeling only more frustrated now after hearing Taehyung's condition, Jungkook made his way out of the building. Jung Jaehan was already in his hands, he promised to help him in getting the real mind behind it all and he send him to the secret place for treatment of his wounds.

Apparently, Jaehan accidentally met the person at the wrong time, the reason he was able to get to know about his identity, otherwise, no one could've thought that he is the one behind it all.

It didn't take long when he was standing outside of the small, shabby house that belonged to Yoongi, well, not really, but he rented the place from someone he knows.

"Got the name?" Jungkook smirked, removing the mask and the other things to reveal his face which was sweaty, maybe he did overweight his body, which was demanding some rest.

"Yeah, no one can stand a gun and a knife shoved up to their throat." Yoongi rolled his eyes, not looking much amused.

"Is the person the one I was expecting?" Jungkook lightly nodded his head, limping forward to the small kitchen after he was done removing his jacket too.

"What do we do now?" Yoongi again shot another question while Jungkook put some fruits on a plate and poured milk into a glass.

"There isn't much to do, he is already trapped." Jungkook nonchalantly replied, now placing the glass, some fever-reducing medicines, and the plate in a tray before he trudged to the room where his life was staying.

"You can not take him with you," Those words made the raven-haired halt, his fingers curled over the tray more tightly than needed when Yoongi continued. "- just reminding you, so that you can make your heart ready for what's coming."

Without saying anything, Jungkook opened the door of the room, leaving Yoongi standing in the same spot.

"This luxury is not for us, RD." A soft sigh of defeat left Yoongi's lips when he looked down at the phone which was buzzing, showing the name.

'Silver model'

Taehyung was laying, all cuddled up in the covers and only that view made Jungkook fresh, he almost forgot about the situation.

On The Target ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن