40: Rage

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was shell shocked, his mind not working, not commanding about anything, rendering him all numb on the lap of the cunning man. Another pained cry from the other made him slightly flinch as he was almost thrown away from the disgusting human by the manager.

"Call ambulance, also call cops. Mr. Kim attacked my boss, this is not acceptable!" The other staff of the company were also now out of shock as one of them made a quick rush to the CEO.

Junsang's manager was creating a fuss and Taehyung felt small under the burning gazes of the people, some were of the company but the others were from the brand's side.

"I- I didn't-"

"What the hell is happening here?!" The voice made him shut up in an instant, but also he breathed out in relief when he saw the face.

Jungkook's hands were clutched over the paper bags, which must be containing the cake he went to take out.

"Your Mr. Kim attacked and tried to kill Mr. Dong!"

"And what were you doing here?" It was Namjoon's voice that asked, Jin coming forth to see the scene with an agape mouth. Bloodied shirt of Junsang was being covered by his manager who was trying to stop further bleeding using a handkerchief.

Jungkook placed the bag on the side table when he noticed that Taehyung's legs were twisted on the couch, and he had wide eyes, his trembling hands weren't hidden too.

With a clenched jaw, the raven-haired rushed forth to pick up the brunet who flinched again at the touch but soon calmed enough when he saw the person's face. Jungkook carried the brunet in his arms very gently, ready to leave the room when Namjoon's voice asked the question, making him stop as well to hear the answer.

"I- he called me here saying that he was ashamed of what happened before! But when I came here, ungh- he, he tried to seduce me and when I protested, he punched and then stabbed me. You all saw, he was sitting on my lap, he was- I can't believe that!" Taehyung's eyes widened more at the false accusations, and his horror-filled orbs fell on the CEO, making him dreadful when he found doubt in them.

"We saw Mr. Kim on Mr. Dong's lap, and the pen was in his hand too." Jin's expression morphed into a more shocked one when they heard sirens, must be an ambulance but all of them were slightly panicked to see cops first entering the scene after a few minutes.

"I can't believe that." Namjoon shook his head and gestured for Jin to talk with the cops first because he saw Dong's staff ready to go first but he wanted to know the real thing.

Taehyung's shaky hands clutched over Jungkook's jacket, causing the younger to look down at him with an angry look, and that terrified him to his bones.

"I- I didn't do anything. He came here on his own, and when I tried to confront him, he became violent and even- he-"

"Don't speak, I've got you." The voice was so cold, cold to the extent that a shiver ran down his spine in fear.

What if he believed in it all? What if he leaves him, accusing him as well for something he didn't even do?

"Sir, Mr. Kim here stabbed Mr. Dong after doing something filthy."

"Watch your words carefully, Mr.!" Jin hissed, hating the way Dong's manager was getting too far. "And rest of you, please leave."

"No, they can not leave after witnessing only one side of the story." Jungkook calmly stated, gently pulling up the brunet's body closer to his own chest before walking forth to the police officer.

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