27: Odd effect

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The door of the large hall burst open, making two Kims flinch slightly at the outbreak but sighed when they found a relatively red-faced silver-haired standing there.

"What's up, Park?"

The person named Park, clenched his fists tightly, marching forward, avoiding his manager who was slightly taken aback by the fuming male.

"Nothing much, Kim, if you ignore the fact that someone famous is about to join our company and you didn't even feel the need to inform me, knowing well that he will be pairing up with me for the upcoming projects!" Namjoon rubbed his temple while Seokjin looked unimpressed by the tantrum.

"Good thing, you already know that. Well, the new model is-"

"Kim Taehyung, right?" Seokjin was rudely cut off mid-sentence, making him frown lightly. The other was far away from his normal behavior.

"Yes, and he is the best option for now." The other model let out a loud chuckle, clapping his hands twice before his face went stoic again.

"Seriously? A crippled person is the best option for you?! What happened to your standards?!" Spatting out harshly, he turned on his heels and left the room, leaving the other two in slight havoc.

"What happened to him?!"


"You gotta be kidding me, dude!" Min was seething in anger when his call was declined for the nth time by none other than the brat RD. The contractor was eating his brain out but the real deal was making him go blank, just because the RD wasn't paying any attention to the desperate calls.

"Argh, I wish to knock some senses in your brain, you punk! Pick up the call!" The person groaned, almost breaking his chair by kicking it every time whenever his call went to voice mail.

During the past weeks, RD asked for some time as he was busy with some personal matters, as per his own words but now the limit was crossing. If they continued the delay in the deal, it won't be a surprise when both contractors will break it off.

Taking a deep breath to just avoid the constant calls from the first contractor, he last time tried RD's contact to hear the same beep. A loud bang echoed in the basement, a small glass piece rattling on the impact as Min grumbled loud curse words about the failure.

"Come on, think more, I need to decide something or else-" Shaking his head at the thought, he pondered on many things before finalizing one of them.

"It's not a betrayal, dude. It's an escape for now." With the hope that RD will understand the situation, he dialed another number that he barely used after a huge argument between the said person and RD. But today, he had to.

The person picked up his call and it was a little surprise.

"Long time, Min. What's up?" The said person bit back a little curse word, but not the time to break out because he was in need.

"I've got a task for you, Park."


Taehyung was still leaning back, mind swirling with many thoughts as a car stopped at a distance from his own. His closed eyes didn't notice anything odd in his surroundings.

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