31: Purpose?

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung woke up with a contented smile on his face, finding Jungkook right beside him with his bunny smile in full bloom.

"Morning, my baby." Taehyung closed his eyes temporarily, enjoying the soft touches on his skin as Jungkook kept on caressing his cheeks tenderly with his fingertips.

"Good morning, handsome." Jungkook let out a chuckle at that, nuzzling his nose on the other's neck, and heard the musical giggles of the older, making his heart beat in ecstasy. Indeed, a good morning.

It was really nice to see the brunet smile, having no trace of the heartbreaking cries from the last night, and Jungkook felt more than grateful for the morning.

"I'd love to stay in this position the whole day, but Mr. Clingy, I've got a schedule to follow." Jungkook let out a little groan at that, shaking his head when Taehyung squealed when he tickled the other lightly.

"Hey, stop~ I'm very ticklish, you know that!" The protest went on for a little while before Jungkook let the other breathe, or more like pant after the sweet torture.

"Meanie." The cute pout on the lips and the little scrunch of the nose made his heart a puddle, and was Jungkook complaining about the itching in his hands to just keep the other close like that? No, he couldn't, because he knew the better.

After the very sweet moment, they both started their day filled with giggles and laughter. Jungkook, as usual, helped the older in taking bath before making breakfast. While having their breakfast they talked about some new fashion designs and brands, a topic Taehyung started actually and Jungkook being a whipped living bunny-human, participated as much as he could even when he barely knew about the fashion. Well, in short, the morning was too good after the dark and gloomy days.

But it is said, too much is also bad...


"Argh, Jimin is really getting on my nerves now. Why is he behaving so bratty?" Jin whined, throwing the file on the table in front of Namjoon who just watched him like a scolded puppy.

"What can I do? I did what I can, but he seems very agitated for some reason. He even avoided me for the last two days without informing me about his final decision regarding today's shoot." Namjoon huffed out in frustration as well and Jin sighed in disappointment at the attitude the silver-haired model was showing for a bit of time.

They were still wondering and discussing the abrupt change of the previously, very humble model when the door was opened by the same person.

"Good morning, I'm sorry for the ignorance but I- I wasn't feeling well.." Jimin said, entering the room after the permission. Both Kims watched him as he trudged towards the table, his head was hanging low and he seemed very disturbed.

"Are you alright now?" Namjoon was already on his feet and Jin also looked concerned but when they saw the other placing the paper on the table, they stopped.

"I've signed it, and I'm ready for today's shoot as well." Saying that he left the office even before the other could say a single word.

"That's, weird.." Jin mumbled with a small frown.


Taehyung was already sitting on the couch, completely ready with the elegant white suit on and light makeup, that enhanced his beauty, making the staff just stare at him in awe. White always made him look like an angel and leave the other in a daze of his charms, nothing new though.

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