It's a Hard Knock's Life

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Make sure you guys read til the end!!


For a long time, things actually haven't been easy for (Y/N). Before, she didn't really care about what people thought of her, or her popularity status. But that was before she grew up and more people listened to her. Now there were people who genuinely cared about hearing her new songs and performing again. While she wanted to focus on herself, she was also looking online at people who were begging her to get off her hiatus. It made it difficult for her to actually rest.

Especially since she wanted to give the people what they want.

She just happened to bring this issue up with Ricky one day, who was there to listen when she needed to vent. "I just feel like maybe being on hiatus isn't for me," she'd confessed. "People have been telling me to come back, some are even demanding it, and I don't just want to do things because the people want it, you know? And I AM enjoying my freedom right now."

"But don't you miss performing?" Ricky asked her. "Singing new songs to a crowd is what made you happiest."

"Well, other things have been making me happy too." She smiled, thinking of a certain boy.

"You know what? You also need a social media break. All these people are pressuring you but like you said, you shouldn't let them! They know you can see all their comments and stuff, so you should let them get bored of trying to get your attention."

(Y/N) nodded thoughtfully, considering it. "Yeah, you're right! Thanks, Ricky. I'll try to delete my FaceShack app and other socials. Maybe people will stop bothering me if they know I'm not reacting to them anymore. I mean, they're gonna have to find attention somewhere else, right?"

While the singer was already browsing through her phone, a lightbulb lit up in Ricky's head. "'re right about that too!"


Days have passed since then. (Y/N) WAS feeling better, but the feeling of wanting to perform again was still there. Still, she didn't give into thought, and just lived out the rest of her days feeling like a normal high school student. She now exited a classroom, practically skipping as she saw Dawn and Mae approaching her in the hall.

"Good morning!" she greeted.

"Someone's in a good mood today," Mae pointed out, smiling.

"What can I say? It's a good day!"

"Did anything happen?" Dawn asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just think it's nice to just be happy every once in a while."

"Alright, alright, I see! I like that attitude."

"Hey girls!" The girls turned and saw Ricky call out to them.

"Hey, Ricky," (Y/N) said, then she lit up as they turned a corner and saw Nicky, Dicky, and Miles. (Y/N) quickly rushed over to kiss his cheek. "Hey love."

"Hello to you too, dearest," Nicky cooed.

"Dawn, it's so cool you made it to the top of the rock wall in record time yesterday!" Ricky was speaking to his sister as he held out his phone. "How come you didn't post about it on Faceshack?"

"Oh I don't like to brag online," she replied. "I like to brag in person. So who has four thumbs and rocks the rock wall?" Dawn asked standing in front of Mae. "This girl!" Dawn pointed to herself and Mae stuck her arms underneath so they also pointed at Dawn.

"Ah! She has four thumbs!" Dicky shouted, terrified.

"...Yeah and two of them are Mae's."

"You took Mae's thumbs?!"

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