The Quadfather

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(Y/N) had some after-school club meeting so it was one of those Fridays where she didn't join the quads going to their hangout. The girl was entering Get Sporty when she heard someone yelling.

"The Quadfather's coming, the Quadfather's coming! I'm the luckiest boy in the world!" Nicky was jumping up and down and running, while his siblings were by the cafe, watching him.

"What?" (Y/N) asked, stopping Nicky.

"Don't you remember?! It's our birthday! The Quadfather's coming!" He smiled brightly, hugging her tightly. He let go and started running again.

(Y/N) blinked at the hug and walked over to the three other quads. "You're turning 10! Happy almost birthday guys!" She walked over to hug each of them individually, as they thanked her. She paused when she saw Dicky. "Nice pepper beard."

"Thanks!" the boy said proudly.

Dawn sighed. "Anyway, sorry about Nicky."

(Y/N) shrugged. "I think it's cute he still believes in the Quadfather. Sparks some child-like wonder in him." She waved her hands. "He wanted me to come over and help you guys prepare the dishes."

"Lucky you only have to help one," Ricky stated.

"Can you tell him I can't help him? I don't wanna see the disappointment in his face when you guys tell him the truth. Also I'm working on your birthday party surprise!"

"First off, surprise?" Dicky grinned. "Dicky likes surprises."

"Second off," Dawn added. "What makes you think we're going to tell him-- Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not- dang it!" Ricky cursed.

(Y/N) laughed. "Why don't you guys tell him together?"

The three quads looked at each other. "I guess we could do that."

"So, what's your surprise?" Ricky asked eagerly. "You gonna sing a song?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise!" (Y/N) smiled before waving and turning around to walk away.

"It's totally a song," Dawn said excitedly. Her brothers nodded.


That night, (Y/N) got flashed. She was singing and strumming when the light shone through her window and she noticed it was Dawn. Nicky was the only thing she flashed in Morse code. (Y/N) had a feeling he must be miserable right now. She told her parents she was going over and arrived to see Dawn, Ricky, and Dicky talking in the living room.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"Upstairs," Dawn replied.

"He feels awful," Ricky said.

"He doesn't want to celebrate our birthday anymore," Dicky added.


"But listen, we need to talk to you about--" Dawn began.

"Nicky first," She walked up to knock on the boys' door and knocked twice before going inside.

The brunette boy was on his bunk bed, and he looked down when he saw her. "Hi (Y/N)," Her name sounded miserable with the tone of his voice.

(Y/N) climbed up and sat by Nicky's legs, frowning at his state. He was just lying down, a picture frame on his stomach, as he stared up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry your childhood got ruined today."

"I can't believe I'm turning 10. This is horrible."

"But I'm 10!"

"3 months older."

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