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<What ARE you doing at corpo plaza anyway you gonk? Your drop off point was blocks away.>

<I did the drop off, I just want to check out something.>

<And what is it?>


<No it's X.>


<Name's X, not Y.>

<No, why as in why you ask?>

<Ooooh... Well I don't want yah to vanish on me, that would be quite rude and I would need to dismantle you.>

<Lovely.... I am just looking for something.>


<A shotgun.>

<Neat.... Alright have fun.>

I sighed, she was weird and it's only been two days, two, she already acting like we've known each other for years.

I walked to the police tape and ducked under it, walking over, not seeing David's remains of Guts.

"Weird." I brought up a holo, typing away, Rebecca installed a tracker in case she ever lost it.

I want to find it, I bet she is still not that well off, I know for a fact Guts should be here but isn't for some reason and she is not the one that got it.

"There." I found the tracker signal, following it, ducking under the tape again.

I need to find it, I could get it back to her with a note, it would be the start of my redemption, something small but meaningful to the person my choice almost killed.

I am more then sure she would be glad to have her weapons back.

She talked about each little upgrade and asked me to always make sure it wouldn't be easy to quickhack as she didn't want to jam it up but she is quite scatter brain that girl which led her to forgetting many weapons in many places but since this is her babied gun she didn't want to make that same mistake, which is why the tracker idea was brought up.

I followed the tracker signal. I really hope it is not in a cops station, it would be a lot of work as only a netrunner even if I can do damage, I am no merc.

I have implants and such but anything unnecessary and bulky is left out so I am closed to an organic person then to a fully chromed out one, these neural upgrades for netrunning taking up 'computing power' and require concentration that I can't take away from them with other chromes.

<Hey Kiwi?> I stopped thinking when the call passed as I neared the trackers signal, nearing the bushes of a nearby park.

<What do you want X?> I narrowed my eyes when I neared, finding a man sleeping while holding it like it was his.

<Did you know you were named about a fruit?> I swiped Guts from his arms, hand held up in front of his face.

<Seriously?> I asked as the quickhack it short circuited him before he could fully awaken.

<"What? I found it interesting.> She said, I could imagine her smiling stupidly, making me shake my head, she is hard to be mad at I give her that.


<Name's X, not Y, remember it.> Even if she is infuriating.

<Why did you find it interesting?> I said, walking towards my temporary home with her.

<I never tasted a kiwi in my life, I wish I could, I bet it is juicy.> I chocked on my breath a moment.

<Don't say it like that you gonk.> I said, more like hissed, if I still had a face it would be red I know it, I felt the tip of my ears burn.


<Just don't, not to me or anyone else, spare them.>



<Because I make you embarrassed?>

<You bi--> She hung up.... She... She fucking knew what she was doing that gonk, I will wring her neck.

The march back was fast and I shifted the Guts in my hands so I was correctly holding it, finger on the trigger.

I approached the workshop and kicked the door in.

"Oh come on we repaired it yester--there's a gun pointed at my face." She said, cutting herself off.

"You idiot." I dropped it on her main workbench that was also her operating table but compared to the rest of the shop it was as clean as it could get.

"A kiwi?" My head snapped her way as she held a fruit up, having made a mess of the peels as she sat on two of her robot arms that held her at a bar stool height, legs crisscross as she had a pile of fruit in the gap her legs left in her lap, eating them, her other two robotic arms now picking up Guts and looking at it.

I grabbed the fruit and threw it at her head, it was already half peeled so it splattered on her head.

"What was that for?!" She asked, wiping her head with a cloth her robotic arm grabbed and gave to her.

"You know why." I said, looking ahead as she set Guts down. "So is something broken."

"Kiwi, don't tell me you are jealous of a fruit, I can eat any sort of Kiwi."

"I will breach protocol you into your next life." I glared at her, happy for once that my face looked the way it did and helped me hid the stupor behind it.

She chuckled and lifted her hands in surrender.

"Calm your horses choomba, I am just joking." She plucked the remaining fruits up and set them aside, standing up, grabbing the Guts in her actual arms and aiming down the sight. "It got really messed up but it can be cleaned up and polished."

"Alright, add it to my debt please. No upgrades."

"What?! No upgrades but Kiwi!" She looked almost applauded, she loved tinkering around with implants and other cyberware that's for sure, she is always working on something when I come and go throughout the day or night, she is always working away on her stuff.

"Please, no." I said, shaking my head. "This is a friend's, Rebecca's, I just want to fix it up and get it to her."

"As a 'sorry' right? From what you told me you fucked up big time."

"Yeah, a first step to it, she's the one that almost have died that day while the others either outright died or survived."

"Got it, amma fix this baby up so good you won't even be able to tell it got fucked up, you are free to do what you want, I don't need you right now."

"Alright." I grabbed my own cigarettes from my pockets and sat on the step outside the front door.

"Hey Kiwi?"

"What?" I turned to her while lighting it.

"I was serious with eating a--" I slammed the door shut behind me.

"God dammit." I muttered as I let go of the handle and she didn't open the door so I sat there, smoking.... And trying to not die of embarrassment or overheating.

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