-I am so sorry-

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I stood there, shocked as to how the woman talking further away could open the curtain so fast, I didn't even hear her approach.

My hand hovered over the holo but didn't launch the breach protocol loaded up as nothing else happened.

I watched the mechanical pincers on a mechanical tentacle before looking at the person it was connected too.

I stared at the octopus-like metal arms move around, gathering her tools and putting them away as the one holding the curtain pushed it away so it wouldn't fall closed again, not breaking the eye contact, a sly grin etched on her face

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I stared at the octopus-like metal arms move around, gathering her tools and putting them away as the one holding the curtain pushed it away so it wouldn't fall closed again, not breaking the eye contact, a sly grin etched on her face.

"Nice to see you awake, otherwise it would have been a loss of resources." 

I didn't know what to say, this is all shocking.

"What? Did your face get messed up? Need me to fix it?" She asked, reaching for my cybernetic mask-looking jaw.

I jerked back, stumbling as the motion hurt me and I slipped on a loose paper piece.

I closed my eyes, awaiting to be hit in the back by the ground and whatever was left there in the mess but the pain didn't come.

"Wow, careful there, blood isn't a color that looks good on you."

I looked around, the two upper robot arms somehow catching me, I didn't even feel it, one was under my knees, the other behind my back, the other two on the ground to brace her as she stood in the doorway and held on it for additional stability.

"Sorry, they shouldn't be hurting anymore but its not like I can help it, infecting is infection." She shrugged as I pushed off the metal tentacle to stand.


"Yeah, you rubbed your wounds all up on the ground, making a nice blood trail and getting all sorts of gunk in it, you lucky I found you when I did or you'd be a pile of implants on my desk. Come on sit down, you are unstable on your feet." She was talking fast, stepping out of the door frame and the metal arm pulling me out of the backroom and into a chair.

I didn't stand, grabbing my head, it hurt.

"Thanks." I said, needing a moment to think of my following words. "For everything...." I sighed, pressing my palm in my forehead. The way she is talking it was clearly her that saved me that day.

"Oh of course, pleasure's mine." She chuckled.

I looked up and jerked back, grabbing the chair handles.

"Oh damn you alright choomba?" She asked, adding to my confusion.

Moments ago her eyes clearly clearly showed signs of psychosis.

I blinked, seeing nothing else.

I rubbed my cyber jaw, remembering the pain of Maine knocking me out because of the condition.

"I'm fine.... What day is it?" I asked, can't be more then a few days.

"Oh well." She literally lifted herself up on her additional arms, feet off the ground, looking on top of a shelf and pulling off a paper calendar off the top of it. "Twelfth of April." She declared

"WHAT?!!" My tone went up in strength, almost screaming.

I stood up, that's.... That's two months after that day!

"Wow calm down there." She put her hands on my shoulders but I shoved her back, her metal arms stabbing in the ground and walls with their metal pronged 'fingers' to not fall.

"I need to go!" I said in hurry, Lucy, everyone.

I stumbled around and towards the door but my body fell over from an electric shock as a hand touched my shoulder.

"I said calm down." She hissed.

I sat up.

"Look I need to find people, my cr-- old crew, they needed to save Luc-- my past trainee from 'Saka." I said as she leaned a robotic arm against the door and looked at me like 'answers and now' and I couldn't really fight, that shock of hers didn't hurt much but my holos wouldn't turn on.

"The 'Saka raid? You knew the Sandevistan from Santo? That's neat, I would have loved to get a hand on a piece of his scrap, I could have created something gr--"

My ears drowned everything out as she spoke, staring down at the ground in shook.... Scrap?

"No." I flexed my hand, holos coming back finally and holding my hands up towards her.

She jerked a bit with a soft gasp as she fell down under the weight of the arms, momentary shut down.

I pushed up and ran out, slamming the front door open.

"Wait! You won't like it!" She called after me but I didn't stop, I will not believe unless I see it myself.

I might hurt my feet but I don't care, I just ran.

I ran as fast as I could, uncaring I was in pain or looked at like a weirdo.

I approached Corpo Plaza as I slowed down, panting for breath.

People around ignored me as I approached the tapped off plaza.

I stood at the edge.

I looked into the plaza with wide eyes, with the cyberoptic implant I had better vision and I hated what I saw.

There was a hole in the ground where Guts, Rebecca's gun, was in and covered in blood.

Further away there was the pieces of the exoskeleton.... The one I tricked David to get near and then put on.

I sank to my knees.

David, a nice fellow, he made Lucy happy... And now... His gone.

And Rebecca... Oh Rebecca... I am so sorry.... Both of you.... Everyone...

I'm so sorry, if only I could make it up to you.

"I told you that you wouldn't like it." I ignored her voice as I leaned my head in my hands and put it against the ground.

I... I just wanted to help you.

I betrayed you and you died...

I'm so sorry...

I never wanted this...

I felt tears on my hands before I fully gave in, softly crying in my hands.

I am so sorry.

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