October 25, 2018

924 31 5

October 25th, 2018
6:17 pm

Darling, Adeline,

One of my buddies down here is getting a divorce. His wife sent him an email telling him she wants a divorce.

He didn't go into detail but all we know is she met someone else while he was on leave.

She wants to get married to another guy. The one she supposedly is seeing.

Met him at a store.

Another reason why I want to get a wife and kids when I'm not in the military.

Because of people like that. I don't understand it. At all.

Thought I just let you know what's been going on down here.

Isabel used to be the same way with the rain. She hated it.

Hated being in it. Hated sleeping during it. Hated thunderstorms . Hated it all.

She isn't like that anymore. Now she loves it.

She now makes me go out in the rain with her. She once asked me to dance with her in the rain.

She even sometimes goes to sleep with the sound of rain on her phone.

It's crazy how far she has come.

Hopefully she gets better with the rain.

Yes, I personally love the rain. What's not to love?

Now I don't love the rain when I have to be somewhere and it's pouring rain.

For example, at my sister's graduation it was pouring rain.

It messed up her hair and makeup. She was mad but she still looked beautiful and walked the stage.

I'll send her your email today. If she becomes too much, let me know and I'll handle it.

She can overdo it sometimes. Just a little bit.

She's gonna love you. I already know it.

I'll be waiting for your number then, my dearest Adeline.

Yeah I usually just tell myself it's not forever. That I'll see her again. That usually does the trick.

Not for her though. She gets mad when I try to say that. I know you never know if you're coming back but I try not to think about that part too much.

I hope I make family traditions as well. Maybe someone will help me make some. ;)

What do you usually do if you can't sleep? To pass by time or make yourself sleepy?

Me personally? I hate roller coasters. Don't tell anyone I said that.

I'm not really a fan of heights. Looking down? How easily you could fall?

No thank you. I'll stay on the ground.

What's not to love about them? Everything Addie. Who just loves roller coasters?

I give your props for being able to get on one of them and have fun. It just couldn't be me.

I like that question. It's interesting.

I personally am fine on my own with all of those things.

But I would say yard work. I'm not too much of a fan of doing yard work.

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