September 9 , 2018

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September 9th, 2018
8:23 am

Dearest Grayson,

I don't work today so it's a good day.

Sorry about training. Hopefully it's not so hard on you next time.

I'll make sure they are long emails then gray. :)

Addie . I like that.

I'm not sure this will make you want to murder someone. I don't know.

Okay here goes nothing.

Me and him dated for four years. For our four year anniversary we wanted to rent out a cabin in the winter.

We wanted our family and friends there. We wanted to be surrounded by our loved ones.

So my mom, brother, sister, cousins and the same for him but his mom and dad.

So basically everyone was there right. Oh plus my friend I told you about.

I won't say my exs name. Actually fuck it I don't care.

His name was Alex. So me and Alex had a okay relationship I guess you could say.

He was super sweet the first three years. He was everything I wanted and more.

Towards the end of our three year anniversary he started to change.

He got super insecure. He didn't like me working late because it was to late for him.

He didn't want me around my friends and family at times. He said he was all I needed. No one else.

He didn't like me talking to any guys but him. He didn't like my friend for that reason.

So I was kinda surprised when he said he wanted both of our families there for our anniversary.

Anyways fast forward we are all there at the cabin right?

So my cousins are very flirty people right. That's just how my family is.

But when we know they are in a relationship or we are in one ourselves we don't do it. We know not to.

Anyways one morning I went down to breakfast and mostly everyone was down there. Minus like four people.

Anyways I slept in the room with my friend because me and my ex got into a bad argument. Over something dumb.

Anyways so I went down there and my mom had said something like.

"Sweetie next time try to keep it down. I'm surprised you're down here. We just heard you like 5 minutes ago." Im sure you know what she is talking about.

So I looked around the room looking dumb as hell because I know for sure it wasn't me.

Right on cue we hear loud moaning. And I mean loud.

That's when my guy friend looked at me then looked at the stairs and said "hell no" and took off running towards the room.

So I'm right behind him. We open the door, mind you everyone is outside of the room now because they know it's not me.

So we open the door and Low and behold my ex and my cousin are fucking.

So Alex looks at me and everyone else shocked. My cousin just smirked and got off him.

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