October 11, 2018

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October 11th, 2018
6:47 pm

Dear Addie,

Today is a good day. I got to talk to Isabel. It's always a good day when I get to talk to her.

And when I get to read an email you sent me. I always know those are going to be good days.

Well about time your boss decided to step up and actually do his role.

He should've been fired a long time ago. Your boss shouldn't have people working in his building that try to belittle other people.

That's not the way you should want to run your business. He should know that.

Hopefully this makes your workload a lot easier now that he is gone. Hopefully it makes you want to go to work.

That's probably not even possible. Work is work. But it's better when you're surrounded by people who you like.

People who you know wants the best for you. Who you get along with. So there's that.

He is acting like a child but is talking about you and others?

He has got to look in the mirror before talking about anyone. Seriously.

As long as he is gone. That's all that matters. I'm glad your boss decided to do what's right.

Did he like send a email out to all letting you know? Or he just let word travel around.

You didn't tell me she turned six. Tell her I said happy late birthday.

I hope she enjoyed her birthday. I'm sure your brother and friend spoiled her.

Which is a good thing.

That's good then, that means I've done my part right. They can think you're crazy for all they want.

You can blame it on me. I take full responsibility, Dearest Adeline.

I'm the same way about you Addie. Just so you know.

You aren't alone in doing that at all.

Does it mean I've officially made it since you've told Abby about me?

Or was it just because she walking in on you emailing me?

I'm just messing with you.

I'm glad she wants to meet me. I would want to meet her as well.

If it's meant to happen it will. Just tell her that. She probably won't understand what it means but she will eventually.

Our situation isn't the same. Abby is a kid that's way harder than providing for a 14 year old.

I was 19 and Isabel was 14 when we moved out. I enlisted when I was 23 and she was 18.

Abby is younger than Isabel is. So yeah we both have/ had to provide for someone but yours is way harder Addie. ;)

No, you aren't wrong. You aren't betraying your sister.

For as long as Abby can remember YOU have been there.

Just because she sees you as her mom doesn't take away from what her mom did for her.

When she gets older you will be able to sit down and have a conversation with her about it.

Right now she won't understand it all to much. She is still young.

In the future if she is still wanting to call you mom then it's her decision. It's also yours and if you're comfortable with her referring to you as her mom.

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