August 7, 2018

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August 7th, 2018
1:00 Pm

Dearest Grayson,

I'm glad this was to the right person. I understand why you couldn't respond so soon.

I promise I won't rush or anything. That would be unfair and honestly uncalled for.

The million dollar question. Joking.

Anyways I kinda stopped because I got into a relationship. It didn't feel right. You know?

After all it was guys who I was emailing back and forth too. To be fair he did know about it in the beginning. Then when we got into a relationship he told me how he didn't feel comfortable with it.

Which I understood. So I just stopped. It didn't feel right anyways.

I did miss it. Just checking up on someone who I didn't know.

So the last time I did one of this was over four years old. So it's been a minute.

Yes, we are close in age. I usually try to have it that way. But then of course you can't choose who you have.

That's the only request I ask them for. They usually agree to it.

We can just go with the flow I guess. Since we are both kinda clueless.

You never wanted to start this sooner? I know a lot of people overseas do this.

I have no problem sending boxes. I actually enjoy it.

We may just have a good relationship like that.

Yes I've had a few creeps. No like interesting stories to tell really.

They would just want pictures or they would send some. If you know what I mean.

Even would try to meet up once they went back home.

This one guy did actually request I wear some socks for a couple of days then send it to him in a box. Weird right?

No, I'm currently not in a relationship at the moment. Ever since my last relationship I kinda just stopped.

I see some people here and there but nothing serious.

Are you in a relationship Grayson?

I actually do not have a nickname. Do you have one?

January? Our birthdays are super close. And yours is on the 7th?

Huh. That's crazy. Mine is February 7th.

A friend of mine is actually in the military. That's why I write. He told me how he does it.

He tried to convince all my friends to do it. He convinced me. As you can tell.

He would always tell me how it can get lonely out there. When you talk to and see the same people everyday.

He actually made a good long term friend from this.

Of course when you aren't deployed anymore, that will be when we part ways.

So since that was the case they traded numbers. They had computers out there, and a line phone.

So they would talk on the phone. Not very often but they did.

They would also send letters. Whenever he moved he would send the new address.

They never lost contact. I guess I'm hoping I find that type of friendship. Maybe.

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