xxviii. a moment of happiness

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It's an unfortunate reality that she has to live, one where every time she closes her eyes she sees the faces of those who are no longer with them. In some ways it's nice to see her family again, even if it's only in her sleep, but when their expressions morph into pain and blood begins to coat their clothes, that's when it gets bad. Rosalie often wakes in screams, having Finnick wrap his arms around her to try and give some sort of comfort.

She's had nightmares like this before, the ones that plagued her mind after her Games. Rosalie saw Zachariah and Fallon for years in her sleep, and it had been her family who had pulled her back to reality. Now that safe space, those people who took care of her, they're gone too.

"You ready for lunch?"

Rosalie has, however, begun to venture out of her room again. It took some time, but she couldn't stay staring at those old walls anymore. She'd been a welcome sight for most people at dinner the night before, Finnick's eyes lighting up when she approached the table. At every meal time he will now come and see her before hand, offering her a place at their table which she will accept.

Finnick's hand is currently outstretched in her direction, waiting for the girl to take it. Rosalie gives him the biggest smile she can muster and lays her hand in his, her grip rather tight as she follows him out of her room. It's quite loud around her, people laughing and chatting with their families as she practically shrinks into her partner's side.

The brunette can see her own family in them, the way they all used to sit around and talk about their days. It causes her to close her eyes, to push away those memories so that she can focus on the current situation — one where she start to move on. It'll be a long process but she has to take the first step, otherwise she'll be stuck staring at a wall for the rest of her life.

The two of them sit down one to the tables that is already half occupied, Katniss sitting with her friend Gale and Prim. Most of the other people here Rosalie has never seen before in her life, a lot of them residents from Districts that she isn't a part of. The other victors who had been in the arena with them, the ones that had survived anyway, have been locked away in the Capitol.

That includes Peeta Mellark, who Rosalie had been quite vocal about saving alongside the symbol of rebellion. It's just another failure to add to a rather long list, that thought playing on her mind without remorse.

"It's good to see you, Rose," Katniss' voice is quiet, but genuine as she looks at the brunette girl.

"You too. How are you holding up?" Rosalie replies, knowing that the loss of Peeta must be pretty hard for her. "Any word on Peeta?"

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