The Cabin Part 2

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 I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I get excited. I love bacon. Jump out of bed stretching and find some clothes. Nothing too fancy, just some ripped blue jeans and a tank top. I slip those on and head to the kitchen where I find Teresa cooking. 

“Oh good morning darling” She says, giving me a warm smile. “Can you go get Raya up for me, Breakfast is ready” 

“Of course” I say and giggle, coming up with a plan on how to wake her up. I go to her room and slowly open the door. There she is, Knocked out snoring. I smile and swing the door open full force and jump on top of her.

“Get up Raya!!” I yell, still jumping. She groans and throws a pillow at me, knocking me off the bed and onto the floor.

“Oof” I say as I make contact with the floor. She jumps up out of bed and runs over to me 

“Oh my goddess! I am so sorry, are you okay, Xander is going to kill me!” She says, concerned. 

I giggle. “Yes I am fine, breakfast is ready” I tell her rubbing my head. She nods and shoo’s me out of her room. I nod and go sit in the kitchen 

“Are you okay, I heard a thump!” Teresa says, Giving me a warm motherly look. 

“Yeah I'm fine, Raya knocked me off her bed. Its my fault, i jumped on her” I laugh 

Teresa laughs “as long as you are okay. I don't want my son beating his sister up” 

I smile. Raya enters the kitchen and sits down next to me and shoves a plate at me. We all get our food and start digging in. This is something I could get used to. 

After we finish our food, Raya gets a call. I try not to eavesdrop but I over hear her say 

“Xander, She's safe, Do we need to move to the safe house? Is he going to come after her?”

My thoughts go instantly to Craig and Jacob. Are they coming for me? I panic. I should have moved away from where she was. I shouldn't have listened to the conversation.

I start pacing the room. Safe house? Why would I need to be moved from here? Isnt it safe here? Raya comes into the room seeing me pacing and she gives me a reassuring smile. 

“Xander is well, The meeting didn't.. Go as planned” She trails off

“Why do we have to move to a safe house” I ask

“Oh you heard that? Well, I'll just tell you the truth even though I was told not to say anything. Craig is coming for you. Something about your wolf and special training” She says, grinding her teeth. 

“I'll bite his head off” Ginger growls in my head. 

I take deep breaths trying to calm myself, I nod. “Will Xander be joining us” I ask

“He is going to meet us there. You're safe, we won't let anything happen to you” She rubs my arm. 

“Okay, I'll go quickly pack so we can get out of here” I start to walk off when Teresa walks in really fast into the room everyone's bags are already packed.

“Are we ready to go, children?” She smiles, carrying all the bags. Me and Raya giggle and nod in unison. 

We load everything into the car. Raya checks the car for trackers then we take off when she doesn't find any. 

I hope everything will be okay.. 

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