Meeting The Alpha King

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Sophia’s POV

Today is the day the alpha king arrives later tonight. My father has requested me to meet with him in his office to go over rules before he arrives. I'm less pale and have gained a tiny bit of weight from eating everyday, I wish this could keep going after the Alpha leaves but I know it won't.. I hope the Alpha likes me, I don't want him to abuse me too.. 

I sigh as I get dressed in the new clothes that got bought for me. I stare in the mirror for a couple minutes hating myself and how I look. I slowly walk out of my room and walk to dad's office with my head down, Getting spit at still by other pack members. I knock on his door and hear him yell “ Come in stupid, You kept me waiting long enough.”

I stand in his office knowing I'm not allowed to sit. 

“ You wanted to s-see me Sir '' I say nervous hoping he doesn't lash out at me. 

“ Rules for the next two days are as follows, Do not speak unless spoken to. Do not look at Alpha Greenwood. If you mention anything about us hitting you or treating you wrong, Even though we aren't, Once he leaves, I'm killing you in front of the pack, no one will save you” He states with a stern look. 

I let a tear slip, “i-i-is th-that all s-sir” I whisper

“You will stay away from the Alpha, after we greet him,  Avoid him at all costs, Understood!?” He screams 

I flinch and nod “u-understood” 

“Good, you're dismissed bitch” He waves his hand for me to leave his office. I ran to my room crying.

“Maybe we can try and find a moment when the alpha is alone and try to explain to him what's happening” Ginger pipes up hopeful. 

“We can't, dad will kill us if we don't follow his rules” I state scared

“Then i will take control and do it myself” She huffs angrily 

“ No you won't, you're too weak at the moment!” I yell at her in my head as she ignores me. 

Since we've been getting fed everyday she has grown a tad bit stronger and has been talking to me alot more. I'm not too alone anymore. I take a deep breath and lay on my bed staring at the only picture I have of my mom “I wish i could've saved you mom, I miss you” I whisper and slowly drift off to sleep. 

Two hours later, I hear a soft knock on my door. 

“The Alpha is on pack lands, I suggest you be on time and try and look nice before he enters the living room” my brother Jacob says “You have about five minutes whore” He laughs. I hear him walk off. I sigh and stand up to change into a black long sleeved shirt to cover my scars, I wear skinny jeans and brush my hair quickly. I ran downstairs and stood next to my brother and father. My father leans over and whispers “ Remember the rules, Dont fuck this up or else” I stiffen and remember the rules. 

Alpha Greenwood's Beta walks in first, I let out a small smile when he says hello to everyone, I think he said his name was Damon. 

I feel my wolf start to stir and become uneasy, in a good way, I think I haven't felt good feelings in years. I stay looking at the ground and when someone walks in I get a huge smell of Honey and Timber. I stiffen even more as my wolf exclaims “mate” in my head over and over. I refuse to look up, I'm scared, What if he doesnt love me, what if he hurts me, What if he thinks im ugly! 

“Shut the fuck up!” My wolf scolds me

“Hello Greg, Jacob and who might you be” Alpha Greenwood asks as my wolf is purring in my head

Oh fuck! Is he asking me!

“ YES TELL HIM” My wolf yells happy

I keep my head down, “ Hello Alpha Greenwood, Im Sophia” I say softly and I hear his wolf purr softly. 

“It's nice to meet you” he says, I slightly look up and see him studying me carefully.

Why isn't he excited when his mate is in front of him, I knew he wouldn't want me.. No one does 

“ Well, Sophia has duties to attend to, Go on upstairs” my dad says sternly.

As much as i don't want to, i cooperate and go upstairs to my room, I didn't have any duties to do, My dad just didn't want me around Alpha Greenwood. I lay down and think of if my life is going to change, is he going to accept me? I bury myself in my blankets and softly cry. My mate just met me and I'm too ugly for him.. I drift off to sleep, Wondering why my mate did not automatically accept me. Guess I'll just wait for the rejection tomorrow.. 


Hey guys!! sorry for the delayed update, Ive had quite a bit going on. Im going to try and update everyday tho. Sorry for another short chaper. some are going to be short some long and i apologize. I hope you guys are doing well!

My Alpha King Savior.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt