Xander's Concern

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It's the next day and Xander wanted me to get to see what he does throughout the day, So here I am in his office with four rowdy teenage werewolves who decided to get into a fight at training because they have huge egos. Teenage boys are weird.

After all that got squared away and handled Xander looks over at me as I am completely zoned out.

“Sophia” He says softly.

“Yes, Xander” I say looking over to him.

I see his eyes flash to red then see him shake it off. His eyes returned to their natural color and I laughed.

“Is Shadow also bothering you to mate?” I giggle.

“Ughhh” He says, throwing his head back. “Yes! He really just wants to devour you, And don't get me wrong I do too but i know you're not ready” He looks back at me.

“I've thought about it.” I shrug.

His eyes widened.

“Are you ready?” He says getting a tad excited.

I smirk “Oh yes baby, I am so ready for you” I say seductively

He jumps up and runs over to the chair i am in

“So ready for you to…. Hug me” I whisper in his ear then giggle.

He sighs and looks at me

“That wasn't very nice you know”

I laugh even harder “You should've seen your face”

He chuckles and kisses my forehead going back to his desk.

“I have a question, There's this big meeting with all of the alpha’s…” He starts saying.

I instantly freeze, All the alpha’s That means my brother and dad will show up here…. I don't want that..

“Raya has offered to take you to a cabin while the meeting goes on so that you don't have to be here, But i just thought id ask you. Do you want to stay or would you like to go spend some time with my mom and raya” He asks concerned my my reaction

“I really don't want to leave your side, But i am not ready to see my dad and brother. Also did you ever get that rouge situation handled” I ask

“Well the rouge activity has gone down quite a bit so all the alphas thought that we could wait, but be prepared. I agreed because I'm still working on our relationship and dont want you to have to be apart of that just yet” He smiles reassuringly

I nod slowly. “I'd like to go with your mom and Raya”

“Okay, it's not for another week so you have another week of me pestering you if you would like me to do so” He winks

“Oh the joooooys of you pestering me” I dramatically flail back into my chair and put my hand on my forehead.

He chuckles and then zones out. Oh great he's getting mindlinked I wonder what it could be…

He comes back and looks at me with a hint of concern

“Whats wrong” I ask

“Nothing to worry about I have it handled. Lets go get some lunch” He says rather quickly. I only nod not wanting to bother him any further.

As we enter the cafeteria I notice all of the pack's eyes are on me. Most of them are smiling and bowing while only one table that has Brittney sat at it is giving me dirty looks. I roll my eyes and take my seat next to Xander and wait for him to start eating before I.

“Hun, no one at this table is going to take a bite before you do, so i suggest you take a bite” He chuckles.

I only nod once again and take a bite. As soon as i do , everyone else starts eating. Someone remind me to ask Raya about that. As soon as we're done eating, the boys are joking around as one of the females, Nora, Starts talking with me.

“Hello Queen, It's so nice to finally meet you. '' She says sweetly.

I show her a polite smile “It's nice to meet you, and oh please call me Sophia”

She nods “Im Terrace’s Wife, The delta”

“Oh that's wonderful, I'm sure we will be seeing alot of eachother in the future, We can even be friends if you would like”

She smiles wide “I would love that Que- Sophia”

“She's my best friend and only mine. She can't have another best friend, only a friend!” Raya yells at the other end of the table” We all giggle

Maybe I'll love it here after all…

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