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Sophia's POV

All the alphas left quickly looking like they were on some sort of mission.. Maybe I should've stayed in the meeting just to see what was said and what was happening. But I've never seen Xander like that and it scared the shit out of me to be honest. I take deep breaths and see Damon come out of the house, he comes and sits next to me taking a breath of what seemed to be relief.

“I'm sorry you had to see him like that.. It only happens sometimes.” Damon says, giving me a sad smile. 

“It was so scary, Was that his wolf?” I ask 

“Xander’s wolf is a lycan. So he's very possessive and very authoritative” He looks at me

“Are lycans only royal blood?” I ask curious

“From my understanding, yes, I have never met another lycan apart from everyone in the royal family. I promise that Xander wont hurt you though, He loves you too much. He would never hurt you hun” He exclaims. 

“What is his wolfs name” I look up at damon

“That's probably something he should tell you, He really hasn't told you his wolf's name?” Damon looks confused

“No, He's not very talkative to me” I shrug

“He's had a rough past, He’s Probably scared to get close to you because of what happened to his dad” He suggests

I shrug not really knowing what to say. 

“What is going on with the rouges” I ask

“We're pretty sure someone sent them and is controlling them, So the alphas are going to go prepare their packs. They are probably going to go to war with the rouges. Everyone is protective of the Alpha king and Queen” 

“Oh” I say, “Why would they be going to war, I personally don't believe in violence. Can't they just set up a meeting with the rogues and maybe figure out who is behind it all?

“Where is Xander” I ask concerned

“Xander has rogue business to attend to, so I was sent to make sure you are okay and take you to your room so you can get some sleep. Or I'll let you have a sleepover with raya, I'm sure she would enjoy being around you” He smiles

“I would love to hang out with Raya” I smile widely. 

Damon takes me up to his room, and I see Raya on the bed with popcorn.

“SOPHIA” She squeals, jumping off the bed spilling her popcorn and jumping on me. We both fall to the ground and giggle. 

“I'll leave you girls to it” Damon says chuckling and leaves the room

Me and Sophia get up and jump onto the bed.

“I'm watching a scary movie, The conjuring” Raya points to the tv shivering

“You were watching it alone?” I question

“Uh well, I am only five minutes in” She shrugs

“I'm down to watch it, Just know i am kinda a pussy. I have never watched a scary movie” I giggle

She giggles “Then we are in for a real treat aren't we” She unpauses the movie. 

We are now halfway through the movie and I must say I am doing really well. There's only been a couple times I have jumped a bit so has Raya. I am so proud of myself. I have been with Xander for a month, and I have definitely started coming out of my shell a bit more. I feel so safe. Somewhat. There have been moments I have questioned it but its moments like these that make me realize how safe I can be. I'm excited to see what my future brings.

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