Interview with Andrew.

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INTERVIEWER: Good day ladies and gentleman, my name is SarahJ. today we are here to ask a few questions about this book 'A Brother's Regret'. We've all read the book and it left most of us in tears, others angry, some happy and a lot disappointment. Maybe hearing the characters side of the story might make us feel a bit better which is why today we will be interviewing our very own main character, Andrew Benson. (Faint sound of applause)

ANDREW: Hello everyone.

INTERVIEWER: Its great to have you here today Andrew.

ANDREW: Thank you. I'm more than honored to be here.

INTERVIEWER: although a lot of people aren't exactly thrilled by your presence. What do you say to that?

ANDREW: Well considering everything I did, I understand their distaste at my presence.

INTERVIEW: I know everyone is angry at him and I am too but let's all keep it civil please. So Andrew, this is the question everyone is dying to know. What was your reason for doing that to your sister?

ANDREW: What I did to Amelia was horrible and no matter what I do, I can't make excuses for myself, but I'll say this anyway. Most times a lot of us teenagers are mostly influenced by our peers. I guess at that moment I wanted everyone to see me as someone cool and not as some lame loser. This is something most teenagers are afraid of and I don't think I can blame them much cause at that stage, we still have the mind set of a kid and we think impressing our peers is more important than anything else.

INTERVIEWER: So are you trying to say impressing your peers was more important than your own sister?

ANDREW: Not at all. To be honest I do love my sister so much, but at that moment, I forgot everything including my love for my sister because I was desperate to not be seen as an outcast. Everyone considered Amelia as the school freak and I knew taking her side would also make others see me as a freak as well but looking back to it now, it was a foolish thing to do on my part and I regret it a lot.

INTERVIEWER: I see. I guess peer pressure can be a dangerous thing at times. So can you tell us why the sudden change of mind towards your sister?

ANDREW: When I saw Amelia falling down that rooftop, I realize that being cool and popular can never compare to the presence of my sister. It isn't worth losing her. I guess at that moment when I realize that I could lose her forever, it spark something in my brain. I came to realize that I'd rather be a freak than lose her forever.

INTERVIEWER: But you have been bullying and abusing her in your parents absence. What can you say to that?

ANDREW: Well I was just being an abusive asshole. I enjoy the praises from my friends whenever they see a new bruise on Amelia's skin and praise me for it. I guess it got to my head. I have no excuses for my actions and I'm deeply ashamed of myself.

INTERVIEWER: Tsk Andrew, the audience aren't going to like your answer. That isn't reason enough to hurt your sister the way you did.

ANDREW: I know and I'll forever carry that guilt with me.

INTERVIEWER: so can you tell us why you still went on being friends with those who play a part in bullying your sister?

ANDREW: I can't really cut ties with them. First because of the fact that I really did consider Francis as my best friend and secondly because it made me feel like a hypocrite. I was part of it and that alone tied me to them. I know its stupid but that's exactly how I feel.

INTERVIEWER: Is that the same reason you easily forgave Francis even though he's the main reason for everything that happen.

ANDREW: not really, I realize that just like me, Francis really regrets what he did. I had this ridiculous thought in my mind that if I'm able to forgive him, Amelia might do the same with me.

INTERVIEWER: Just like the Bible say right, forgive others so you will be forgiven as well.

ANDREW: i'm not exactly religious but I agree with that.

INTERVIEWER: that's all the question I have for you Andrew, is there anything else you're like to share with the audience?

ANDREW: All I have to say is that, I know many of you hate me for what I did and I know I deserve it, but I do hope a lot of you are able to learn from my mistake. Be it your siblings, your best friends, your friends, your classmates, your schoolmates and neighbors and even your parents , do not allow yourself to be influence into doing what is wrong. At that moment they might not see you as a cool person but deep down they know you're better than them and you will be happy with yourself for doing the right thing. Bullying is a crime, you don't know where those you bully will be tomorrow, there may come a time when you'll be the one looking for help and they are the only ones there to help you. Bullying is very dangerous, as you all saw that I almost lost my sister to it. Many bullies drive others into committing suicide but just because you didn't do it with your own hands doesn't mean you're not at fault. If a person kills his or herself because he can't endure the torture he had to endure all day because of you, the death is on you.

To those who has to go through that everyday, all I want to say is keep moving forward. People who bully others do that because they know they can never be better than you, one day you will be in a place where they can't even dare to look at. You don't have to endure that either, if it gets too much turn to others for help, you don't need to get depressed because of others. Sometimes endurance isn't the answer.

INTERVIEWER: Thank you Andrew for that wonderful speech and also thank you for joining us today.

ANDREW: My pleasure.

INTERVIEWER: so its goodbye for now my dear viewers. Next we'll be interviewing our favorite heroine Amelia Benson and if you have any questions for Amelia, feel free to DM our wonderful author @Icecuberlover. Till then, goodbye and thank you for having us.



A/N: I didn't think doing the interview myself would be fair so I had my sister do it for me. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you.

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