chapter 2

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Amelia and Dave sat on the rough floor at the roof top munching on Dave's pasta which he said was prepared by his mother.

Amelia has visited his home many times and she knew his mother is a great cook.

The Carver family home was her safe heaven. It is the place she usually goes to escape her brother's bullying especially when their parent were not present and his family welcomed her with opened arms. She even made friends with his twin younger siblings Gabriel and Gabriella and they seem to love her a lot.

Dave has the loveliest of family but Erin's betrayal changed him a lot and she could understand him but she didn't like the hurt in his eyes whenever he sees her. She wanted him to move on.

Slowly, she glance at him and watch him chewing slowly; his eyes staring straight ahead of him in deep thought. She knew exactly what he was thinking but instead of bringing it up, she decided to cheer him up.

"Dave" she called washing down her pasta with a bottle of water.

"Yeah" he answered dryly, his eyes not meeting hers.

"Let's go to the lake after school" she suggested and was happy when she saw the smile light up his face.

"Sure" he agreed and she smiled back at him.

The lake is their favorite spot to hang out when they wanted to escape the harsh reality of their life at school. It was also the place they had met for the first time which made it all the more special.

The silence surrounding them was a comfortable one as they both relax and enjoyed the warm sun but unfortunately the moment was ruined when they heard a familiar voice.

"Well well, look who it is" they both looked up to find Francis, Andrew, Erin and the rest of their group staring at them.

They quickly scrambled to their feet stepping away from Francis who was now slowly approaching then.

Dave quickly step in front of Amelia, blocking her line of vision "w-we don't want trouble Francis." Dave said trying to sound brave but his shaky voice betrayed him.

"Aw, isn't that cute? You're protecting the loser" he mocked and his friends behind him snicker and Amelia watched Dave's fingers ball into fist. "Why don't you step away from her David and I will consider leaving you out of this"

"I won't let you touch Amelia" Dave growled stubbornly refusing to step away

Francis sighed "I wanted to do this nicely but it seems like you don't want that"

He gesture to two of his goons and they came forward and pulled him away from Amelia despite their pleas and protest.

They pushed him aside and began their abuse on him; kicking and punching at every part of his body they could reach.

Tears blinded Amelia's vision as she watched them helplessly "please let him go francis" she pleaded with her eyes still trained on him.

Francis smirk at her teary expression "why should I listen to you?" He asked as he took slow steps towards causing her to take slow steps back.

For some reason, her eyes fell on Andrew as she watched him, hoping he would do something to save her but the smirk on his face told her it was all wishful thinking on her part.

She was so distracted by Andrew that she didn't notice she was already close to the edge.

"Amelia watch out" Francis called out and tried to pull her away but it was too late. She already tripped and was falling down with a cry

"Amelia" Andrew rushed forward pushing aside everyone else who had also gone into panic mood.

Luckily, Amelia held on to the iron bars connecting to the wall as she stared up at them in tears "please save me" she cried looking down at the ground in fright.

"Don't worry Amelia we will save you" Andrew assured as he lower himself down and straight out his hand "take my hand"

She wanted to do as she was told but she glance below her and chickened out "I can't" she cried out in fear.

"Yes you can. Just slowly take my hand okay, I promise I will pull you up; I won't let you fall" he desperately pulled his hand forward urging her to take it.

"Common Amelia give him your hand" Francis encourage and soon everyone began rambling out words of encouragement

Amelia once again looked down and fear spike her at the distance "Amelia don't look down and just give him your hand"

At the sound of Dave's panicked voice, Amelia got a little courage and she slowly allowed her hand to leave the iron bar why her other hand supported her weight on the iron bar.

Her hand was just a few inch away when the other suddenly slipped and down she went with a loud scream.

"AMELIA!" The three boys yelled in horror as they watch her body fall to the ground with a loud thud.

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now