Chapter 25

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Andrew got out of his car and shut the door gently. He had just dropped Quinn off after their first date. It was completely marvelous.

For a while now, his life has been perfect. He finally confessed his feelings to Quinn and his relationship with his little sister was perfect.

There is nothing more he would ask for.

Sometimes he wondered if all this would one day come to an end. What if Amelia suddenly got back her memories and go back to being afraid of him?

This was the same question he ask himself every single day. The thought of Amelia getting back her memories terrified him. He didn't want this happiness to end anytime soon and he could only pray that it doesn't.

It is probably selfish of him to think that way but he couldn't help it. After two years he was finally happy. You can't blame him for not wanting it to end any time soon.

Francis car pulled over snaping him out of his thoughts and he glance at it.

He was surprise when he saw Amelia climb down from the passenger sit. She was suppose to be with Dave but why was she with Francis.

Andrew waited for them to approach and when Amelia looked up at him, he smiled.

She return his smile with a weak smile and Andrew frown. Something was definitely wrong.

"Lia are you okay?" He asked concerned when she was finally closer to him.

"I'm fine" she answered but Andrew wasn't convinced. She turn away from him and stared at Francis who stood behind her "thank you Francis, for bringing me home"

"You're welcome anytime" Francis replied and she nodded.

"Ill be in my room Andrew" she push open the door and walk in without waiting for a respond.

Andrew looked at Francis "did something happen?"

Francis sighed and deep his hands into his jeans pockets "well she saw Dave and Erin kissing and got sad"

Andrew was confused. He had thought Dave liked Amelia so what is this news about him kissing Erin "are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure" he answered quickly "I was there too"

Andrew nodded at him but he wasn't going to jump to conclusion already. If Dave kissed Erin, then there must be an explanation for it and until he hears Dave's reason he wasn't going to start anything.

After all Dave would never hurt his sister.

"Drew" Francis voice pulled him out his thoughts "would you approve Dave and Amelia's relationship if they start dating"

Andrew was taken aback by his question; it was kind of a silly question "of course I'll approve as long as lia is happy. Dave is a good guy and if I want Lia to be with anyone, it would be him" Andrew had notice how happy Amelia is whenever she was with Dave and he wouldn't deny her that because he has absolutely no right to.

And Dave has always been there for Lia when all of them has been nothing but awful to her. It would be stupid to be against their relationship and he wondered why Francis would even ask him that in the first place.

Francis didn't say anything for a while and just kept on staring at the floor in deep thought. Andrew watched him curiously, wondering what he might be thinking.

But before he could ask any questions, Francis looked up at him with a huge smile on his face "well then, I hope Dave can sort this out soon"

"I hope so too" Andrew agreed sincerely oblivious to the sadness in Francis tone.

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum