Chapter 26

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The event of the previous day caused Francis to feel guilty. He knew he shouldn't have done what he did. Dave was the only guy who could make Amelia happy but he destroyed it because of his own selfish reasons.

He knew he didn't deserve Amelia but he couldn't help but want her. He was starting to realize that maybe he had liked Amelia all those years. Maybe the reason he was always after her was because he wanted her attention. if he had known that things would turn out this way, he would have prevented it sooner.

but sadly it was too late to cry after the milk has been spilled but it wasn't too late to prove his feelings to Amelia, even though that means he has to play dirty.

He walked down the noisey hallway thinking of the best approach to convinced Amelia of his feelings. He had to do it before she finds out the truth and get together with Dave.

"Francis" an angry voice yelled out his name and he turn around to find Andrew marching towards him. He looked beyond furious and Francis knew immediately that something was wrong.

"Drew what..." he began but his words were cut short when Andrew delivered a punch to his gut that got him stumbling back in shock."what the hell!"

"stay away from my sister Francis" Andrew's voice echoed through the silence that has now taken over as everyone watched the unfolding scene before them.

Francis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "I don't understand. what..."

"don't play dumb with me, you know exactly what I am talking about" Andrew cut him off in a low voice filled with anger "I trusted you Francis. I trusted you when you said you wouldn't hurt her anymore. I even forgave you for everything you did to her because I thought you were my friend when all along you're just a back stabbing bastard"

"Calm down Andrew; you're causing a scene" Quinn whispered at him. Francis didn't even know when she got here. his eyes was fixed on Andrew's anger and hurt face. He knew what Andrew was talking about and he was dumbstruck. he couldn't even say a word.

"our friendship is over" Andrew stressed out the words "and from now on i'm going to focus on protecting my sister. I failed in the past but not again. read my lips carefully Francis; if you ever try to hurt Amelia again" He leaned closer to Dave staring him straight in the eye with his exppression filled with seriousness "I promise that you'll regret it"

He turn around and walked away without even sparing a glance at the speechless Francis in the middle of the hall. Quinn also gave him a sad disappointed look before running off after Andrew.

Francis couldn't believe what just happen; he couldn't belive what he had done. He destroyed his friendship. Andrew was literally the only real friend he ever had and all of a sudden he destroyed it.

What the hell has he done?

Francis troubled mind suddenly remenbered something. How did Andrew find out, did Erin tell him?

he shook his head at the possibility. Erin wouldn't tell Andrew about the plan cause they weren't even that close

But... but she could tell Dave. maybe Dave had rejected her and she went ahead and rat it all out to him and if Dave, knew that only means

Amelia knows too.

His eyes widen in panic and before he knew it, he was racing down the hall in search for Amelia.

Francis didn't see Amelia untill lunch break. He didn't see her the whole day and he knew she was probably avoiding him which only proves that she indeed knew what he had done.

He wanted to apologize to her and perharps explain himself but he didn't know how he was going to achieve that.

Amelia was heading to the cafateria along with Quinn and Dave; thankfully Andrew was not with them. Amelia was laughing at something Dave was saying and Dave had his arms rapped around her.

Francis felt a sting of jealousy but he push it down quickly. Jelousy won't help his case right now.

He took a deep breath "Amelia" he called and he watched as the three of them halted in their steps.

Dave was the first to turn around and quickly blocked Amelia from his view "you bastard!" he growled and was about to step towards Francis but Amelia held him back.

"it's okay Dave" she finally moved from behind Dave and faced him. He could see the witdrawed look on her face. it felt like she didn't want to talk to him at that moment.

"Lia I'm so very sorry. I..."

"don't touch her!" Dave snap and pushed him away as he tried to take a hold of Amelia's hand.

"listen, I know what I did was wrong and i'm truely very Amelia. I just..." He paused not knowing if he should say the reason on not. it doesn't seem right if he says it in front of Dave. by the looks of things, it seems like they are already together now.

Francis heart sank at the thought but he didn't say a thing and just stood there like a statue. He destroyed his friendship for nothing.

"I'm sorry" Amelia finally broke the silence "but I can't forgive you for what you did" she held Dave's arm and said "lets go" and they left him standing there, lost and utterly alone.

There was no going back for him.

This was the end.

He turn around headed for the school exit. He was getting punished for what he did to Amelia and to every other kid he has so heartlessy bullied in the past. He lost his best friend and he knew he would never get Amelia; not when she seem so happy with Dave.

He sighed in deafeat. it's better to just give it up.

He stopped in his tracks when he heard sobs coming from an empty classroom. The same classroom he found Erin crying the other day and he knew without a doubt that she was probably the one in there.

He approached the door and pushed it open and trutfully, there she sat with her head resting on the desk and her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Francis felt sorry for her.

But sadly, some mistakes can never be fixed.

Hi readers it's me again. I'm very sorry for the very late update. Something came up so I quit writing for a while.

But rest assure that I'll try to update as much as I can from now on.

Thank you.

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