Chapter 28

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Dave stood in the middle of the hallway staring at Amelia's retreating figure. He had an idea of what might be going on with her and he knew it wasn't good. it wasn't good at all.

"I have to find Andrew" He mumbled to himself and raced towards the opposite direction.

Dave found Andrew talking to Quinn at the cafateria and he wasted no time in approching him "Andrew we need to talk" his voice was laced with panic and worry.

"what is it?" Andrew asked concerned as he noticed the exppression on Dave's face.

"it's Amelia" Dave answered and that caused Andrew to sit up straight in worry "I... I think she remenbers something"

Andrew's heart sank at that. that... that couldn't be true; The doctor said she won't regain her memories as long as they don't make it happen. but deep down he knew that what Dave said could very possibly be true. that would explain Amelia's sudden distance from him again. He had notice it but pretended not to because he didn't want to accept the possibilities of her memories coming back. that would be the end of their new found relationship.

"how did you know?" He asked Dave already feeling his heart breaking again. would he have to watch Amelia go through all what she went through in the past? He wasn't sure he could take her hatred for him. He wouldn't be able to take the guilt.

"I'm not sure but just a while ago at the hallway she was screaming and holding her head like she was in some sort of pain" Dave stopped and breathed deeply trying to push down the lump in his throat "Andrew you do know what will happen if she does remember something right?"

"lets find her first" He didn't want to voice out his fears. He just hope that Amelia would be take it well; If her panic attacks reture he wasn't sure he could live with the guilt.

What has he done to his sister?

"i'll come too" Quinn offered getting up from her sit as the three of them left the cafateria in search for Amelia.

"Go ahead, I want to know the truth"

Kaitlin smiled at that. Finally she'll get back at Andrew for what he did to Francis. He was the one who choosed to be part of the group and part of the bullying. He thought he could just leave without consequnces.

Well that was his biggest mistake because she is about to ruin his new found happiness. She would show him that no one can get away from their crimes without serving the proper punishment. She would make him regret the day he choosed to become popular.

"well" she began "I'll start by telling you that you never tried to commit sucide; that was all bullshit" she scoff "seriously I thought you were smart. I mean the sucide story sounds pretty lame to me" Kaitlin was speaking so freely that one would think they were probably discussing the weather.

"So you're saying that was a lie?" Amelia's tone of voice shows just how much she was scared of the truth. The memories were vivid in her mind but having someone confirm it was beyond terrifying.

"yes, it's all one big fat lie. The reason you fell was because your beloved older brother and his friend Francis were being a bully to you. They probably really wanted you to fall; I mean who bully's someone on a rooftop. it's dangerous obviously"

The words sparked something in her memories once again.

That day at the rooftop, Dave was trying to protect her but Francis friends forcefully pulled him out of the way.

"Andrew was your biggest bully; he not only bullys you at school but at home as well. He loves showing off the bruise on your body to his friends cause apparently he likes being praised more than he loves his own sister"

A brother's regret (THE BULLIED SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now