Chapter 21

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AN: hey guys I just want to say I read your comments and you guys weren't happy that Amelia still didn't find out the truth and that Dave lied to her. But it had to happen to make the story come out as I want to. If Amelia finds out the truth this soon, it won't make the story very interesting. So I plead with you guys to be patient and see how it goes. You definitely wont regret it, I promise.

Pulling his eyes open proved to be a difficult task to Andrew. His lids were heavy and it felt like he hasn't opened it for centuries.

Nevertheless he forced his eyes open and the first thing that came to sight was his white ceiling.

As he tried to get up, he felt a pressure on his fore head and his hands reached to find a wet towel. 
He knew he fell sick and was taken care of but he had no idea who it was. He was so weak that he couldn't detect whoever it is that made him better.

Probably mum. He thought to himself as he sat up on his bed only to realize that someone was beside him.

His eyes widen as they landed on the sleeping figure of his little sister.

What was she doing here? He wondered.

Suddenly realization struck him. Amelia had been the one to take care of him but he was confused. She had said she was scared of him and wanted him to stay away from her, why then did she bother to take care of him.

A smile graze his lips as he realized the reason.

She still cares about him despite her fear of him. The thought warmed his heart as he wondered what he must have done to deserve a sister like her.

He slowly got off the bed making sure not to make a noise so as to not wake her up.

She looked tired and he suddenly felt guilty. She should have just gone to her room and have a proper sleep instead of waiting for him to get better.

Gently, he picked her up and place her on his bed. She stirs but didn't wake up and that cause him to sigh in relief. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her head before walking out the room to go get a glass of water.

As he got out, he began hearing voices from his parents room. He was confused as to why they would be awake at such a late hour and wasn't his dad out of town?

Curiously he walked in that direction. The voice becoming clearer.

His mum and dad were arguing again. It probably haven't been long since his dad returned and they are already arguing.

"What you're saying is nonsense Patricia. You cant possibly mean it" his dad whisper yell and Andrew place his ears on the doors to catch some more words.

"What do you expect me to do Dan? She asked me for answers and I gave them to her"

"You lied to her" his dad almost yelled "you lied to her Patricia don't you see how much damage you've done. Lia would start thinking its her fault that Andrew is sad and its not fair"

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