Chapter 20

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Dave wouldn't deny that he was shocked to see Mrs Benson waiting outside the school building.

She was dressed in her usual office suit as she paced back and fort.

He would have thought she was waiting for lia or Andrew but neither of them are at school. He was even on his way to their house right now. So what is Mrs Benson doing here and who is she waiting for.

Dave decided to approach her and find out. Besides he might be able to help.

"Mrs Benson" she stopped pacing at the sound of his voice and looked at him.

She smiled "I've been waiting for you David. I didn't want to disturb your lectures that is why I didn't go in"

"Oh. But why are you waiting for me?" He asked confused. He had no idea why Lia's mother would be looking for him.

"I wanted to talk to you"

He frown in confusion. What could it be about? Or has he done something wrong.

He ignored the thought and nodded "um- there's a bench over there" he pointed to a large tree in front of the huge building just a few walks away from where they stood.

She nodded and they both walked to the bench and sat down.

For a long time they sat in silence and only the loud charting voices of the students making their way out of school could be heard.

Finally Dave couldn't take the silence "um Mrs Benson you wanted to talk to me?"

She sighed. "I'll go straight to the point David" she began and he waited anxiously for what she has to say.

She told him the lies she had told Amelia and how Amelia decided to ask him so that what she said would be confirmed and Amelia would finally be convinced that she was telling the truth.

"So I just want to plead with you David" she continued "please don't tell lia the truth when she asks you"

Dave was torn. He couldn't lie to her, she trust him and he wasn't going to break that trust.

Not now not ever.

Facing Patricia, he gave her a determined look "I'm sorry Mrs Benson. I can't lie to lia and I think its wrong that you did what you did. I understand that you are trying to protect lia from her panic attack but if she had demanded the truth then you should have told her the truth, she might have handled it better than the lie you told her. I'm sorry but I can't and won't lie to lia"

"Listen David, this is not just about her panic attacks. If she learns the truth, she might handle it better than we think but her relationship with her brother would be destroyed and I don't want that. I don't want her hating her brother or being scared of him. I want her relationship with him to be as before. Please David do this for me"

Dave was torn. She sounded desperate and he didn't know if he should agree with her.

But lying to Amelia was something he just couldn't do. He couldn't loose her trust.

"I can't lie to her Mrs Benson. I'm sorry" he stood up not wanting to listen to more of this conversation.

Lia might get hurt physically and emotionally by the truth but that doesn't mean he should lie to her. He would rather keep the truth from her than lie to her.

"David!" Patricia's voice stopped him but he didn't turn to face her "not only would Amelia hate Andrew if she finds out the truth. She vowed never to forgive me if she finds out I was lying to her. So please David; think this over"

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