Fifty Six

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Charlotte Crawford

As the ringing continues to Pierce through my ears. I watched as Emma body laid on the ground limp infront of me. I looked in the direction of her killer, William stood holding the gun up

"Answer, your damn phone next time" he muttered

Shock waves still going through me. She didn't care about the fact that he was the father to my child. That the child was upstairs now wailing. That she could've been brought to harm in this situation. That she almost took him away from me again "Charlotte"

I looked at him and fell back onto the couch trying to keep my head steady looking away from her body "Charlotte, it's okay" he whispered and I shook my head

"She- she tried to kill you" I pressed my head against his chest trying to listen to his heart and soon heard it racing

"Focus on that okay, it's still beating. Close your eyes" he whispered

I knew he was signaling for Will to clean this mess up. Especially before any authorities would show, our neighbors must be terrified

"Mary Caroline" I pushed past him not glancing at her in the ground, I knew that would take me out within seconds

I ran upstairs towards her wails. I rushed into her room taking her into my arms. I pressed her against my chest soothing her. The noise was terrible for her sensitive ear drums "it's okay"

I sat in the rocking chair taking in her baby scent pulling her close to me as the tears left my eyes "I almost lost my family again" I said aloud as I felt Nate bending down to my knees

"To someone, who was my family. Who died, she died and then she didn't die and now she died again, for real this time" he swiftly took Care from my hands as I pulled mine to my face collecting my sobs

"She was named the head of the Greek mafia. Emma was married to Atlas, he was leaving her for Jillian. She didn't care, she knew it was bound to happen. She wanted him dead to take over and her mission along with Atlas's for years, your husband dead. The head of the Italian Mafia" Nate lifted his head in shame

"So when the ties were sealed in Greece she decided to pay her favorite daughter a visit. Who happened to be married to the enemy" he pointed to Nate "she had to die Charlotte"

"Will" Nate warned

"It was her destiny to kill Nate, her plan for years. I got a tip from someone on the inside that she was coming just to do that. I'm sorry to be the one that had to kill her, I know she meant a lot to you"

I covered Care's ears knowing they were sensitive "But she went after my husband, could've hurt our child in the process. Pointed the gun at me and ready to shoot Nate. You did what you had to do to protect us" Will nodded

"Thank you" I whispered as the tears fell "thank you for saving him, me" he nodded standing up again "I'll deal with, everything. Just stay up here" he reasoned

I kept my eyes on our precious baby girl, though she shared my eyes she had her fathers features. I couldn't believe Emma would go after her dad.

I didn't like to think about the demons Nates had to face throughout his life. I hated the thought of it all around, but it was a curse brought upon him at birth.

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