Thirty Five

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Charlotte Crawford

I felt as if I couldn't move for hours but it had only been mere seconds, soon my instinct kicked in as I ran down the steps sliding towards his body as Carter stood over it

I didn't care if he were to shoot me, I cared about Nate "no, no, no, Nate" I cried as his eyes shut

"Charlotte" his voice evil

"Please, please don't leave me" my voice strained as I placed my hand on Nate's cheek "come on please, please wake up, wake up"

"CHARLOTTE" he yelled as my head turned to him to see his cynical smile "don't you see, your free... now we can be together" he was fucking crazy

He paced back and forth "The baby is a problem, but don't worry we could give it-"

"You're fucking crazy, I will NEVER be with you. I would rather die than be with you" my breathing trembled as I looked back to Nate placing my hand on his pulse, it was still beating

"please baby, please wake up" the tears buried my face dropping onto his shirt as he laid vulnerable on the ground

"You'd rather die" he chuckled "really?" I turned my head to see the gun pointed at me and time froze

My baby girl



I closed my eyes accepting my fate, this was it

I heard the sound of a bullet and the start of my ears ringing. But I felt no pain and heard a body fall to the floor going limp. Opening my eyes to see William rushing in holding a gun

"Nate" The look in his eyes, the horror I shared as his bestfriend, my husband laid on the ground

Paramedics stormed in coming from the stairwell on the side going to him attempting to rip me off from him and soon removed my body leaving my hand gripped to his side

They lifted him up, but I wouldn't let go of him "Nate please" my body ached and soon felt two arms wrapped around me as he pulled my arm away

"They got him" Will trembled with his words as the elevator doors finally opened officers swarming in

My hand covered my mouth in horror as we rushed into the elevator with him, lifeless on a bed "breath" Will whispered "breath Charlotte"

How could I breath when I watched the life go out of the only man in the world who mattered to me. I took shallow breaths as my mouth quivered staring at him

I felt numb and helpless

I felt two arms pull me away taking me in and soon I couldn't even feel anything. I could only see him and a paramedic above him trying to heal and stop the bleeding

The blood

There was so much blood


The lights hurt my eyes as we sat for what felt like years, when it had only been two hours

He got shot, twice and there was nothing I could do. His life was out of my hands, if I could be in that operating room saving him, I would

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