Twenty Seven

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Charlotte Crawford

It had been exactly a week since dinner with my parents. Their words stung, in every way possible, they stung.

I could never do right by them my whole entire life, why would I expect them to be happy for me, for us.

I was now sitting beside him in his black Mercedes SUV. It was a recent purchase of his, I wanted to mock him so hard for it. It was totally his 'dad car 'in a way. He had about 14 other cars but this one was different, more safe and less sporty.

I fiddled with my jeans as the nerves kicked in. His family was expecting us for dinner, it was casual but I was still terrified. It was turning to the best time of year, the peak of fall. Pumpkin patches and apple picking season was here, minus Halloween I hated the holiday.

"So all my siblings will be there, Celine and my father of course. I just felt like warning you "Niccolo, Leo and Jillian may be overwhelming" he looked nervous, which didn't help

"Niccolo's son will be there. My nephew Teddy, him and Teddy's mother split 3 years ago. He's almost 4. He wasn't at wedding because Niccolo didn't think it was best for him to meet you then" I nodded

"He's a good kid, he's just gone through a lot " he frowned "so he might be very shy at first"

"What do you mean by that?"

"His mother has no custody of him. She's not a good soul, a very bad woman who does not care for her son. I'm against taking a child from its mother but... she's terrible" the tone in his voice was different and more serious than before

"What did she do?" I questioned

"Nothing you need to worry about" I nodded in understanding, he didn't want to talk about something that's in the past

We pulled into the driveway of a grand home. It was absolutely stunning, it was a country house swept away quietly in a suburb of New York. He parked the car and he opened my car door as I stepped out. Even the grass was perfectly landscaped

I felt a hand snake around me as we walked towards the door "is this where you grew up?" He looked down at me and nodded

"It's beautiful"

"Here, Vermont in winter and Montauk in the summers" the door opened to Celine who was in a navy dress

They were all aware of my pregnancy with the exception of his father and brothers. She gazed at me up and down "honey you're glowing" I laughed softly

Maybe I was just as pale as a ghost due to the nausea "thank you Celine"

"It's mom" she insisted and ushered us inside

"They're here!" She yelled

"Twenty minutes late might I add?" I looked over to see Leo coming down greeting me with a smile and then glaring at Nate

"Baby sister" he teased as he came over taking me in for a hug and stepped back and observed me and then glared back to Nate

"What did you do to the poor girl!" He pointed to me as he angrily shouted at Nate

I only spent minimal time with Leo but he seemed to like me. He had a playful dramatic personality "god what's the fuss" Jillian looked at me "welcome, welcome mi casa es su casa!"

She grabbed my hand and dragged me away from them all "Jillian!" I heard Nate call and she slammed a door to a side room locking it

"so how's the baby" she asked in whispered tones "I'm guessing that was Leo's tantrum, he hates being out of the loop" her giggle was infectious

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