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Charlotte Bartlett

"I am pregnant"

The words coming out of my mouth were some form of acceptance. I was pregnant with a baby, a part of me and a part of Nate was forming a person in my body. I couldn't believe that this was happening, I'd been screwed over many times but this was the cherry on top.

I was pregnant with a guy I barely even knew. I had many dreams of him, of what he could do to me if he were in the room. But he's not, he has his own life. How the hell am I supposed to tell him I am having his baby. I should already prepare myself for the rejection, he has his shit together, his life is worked out. He doesn't need some random girl and child bothering him.

I didn't even realize that I was in the arms of Meg and Grace until Grace moved a piece of hair out of my face "remember you have options of course, we support you"

"No matter what you decide" Megan added

I placed a hand on my non existent bump and smiled "I'm keeping the little munchkin" and they both smiled

"Aunty Grace"

"and Aunty Megan.. at your service" Megan bowed

"So are you going to tell the hot Italian" the tears started to escape my eyes and Meg wiped them

"How the hell do I do that" I laid back in my bed "how the hell do I go to dinner with my parents and Belle, what will Belle think" they crawled into bed with me on both sides sandwiching me

"Belle loves you Char, you were her parent going up. You two raised each other"

"She's a sophomore at Yale, I can't put this stress on her. She already has to make this trip here tonight for this stupid dinner"

"It's a good time to tell her, maybe not your parents" Meg sat up and looked at Grace and shook her head "most definitely not your parents"


I slipped on another black dress form fitting. I straightened my hair after I released it from a loose french braid. I did light natural make up and looked at myself in the mirror before I heard a knock on the front door

I left my room hearing whistling from Meg "yeah hot mama!" She said and I rolled my eyes

I opened the door to Belle in a cute red dress. Her hair was dirty blonde and brown eyes like mine "who died?" Belle looked at me up and down

"What do you mean" I asked as she came into the apartment "your face Charlie, somethings up" that's the one thing about my sister, she always knows when somethings wrong

"You're too good" I said, taking a deep breath. I took her into my room and sat her down "I went out clubbing" she choked on the air

"Excuse me... sorry I think I just hallucinated" I shocked my head slowly

"YOU, I'm sorry Charlotte Bartlett went clubbing" her voice filled with shock

"I met a guy, his name is Nate Crawford and I lost my virginity" she gasped and stared at me in disbelief and a little pride

"Woah this is big, why didn't you tell me" the tears started to surface my eyes and I sat next to her handing her the digital test "5 almost 6 weeks" she started at the test and looked at me taking me into her arms smiling

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