Thirty Seven

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Charlotte Crawford

I walked on the side walks along Central Park at 28 weeks pregnant, at least I wasn't waddling yet. But I was getting some much needed time with my sister who I hadn't seen in what felt like forever

"Wow, he said it was his mothers ring?" She stared at me stunned as I sighed nodding my head

"Yep, I felt so bad bringing it up"

"Atleast you were honest?" She made a face at me

"What is it?" She shrugged

"Maybe he wasn't being honest... I have a conspiracy, I think that ring is yours"

"Are you crazy, I don't think he'd ever for real want to marry me. Before all of this, without the arrangement I don't think I'd be able to get him down an isle, he rarely calls me his wife"

"Come on you bagged Nate Crawford, one of New York's biggest bachelors and playboys. Your like Annette Bening"

"I am not Annette Bening, he is not the president" she chuckled

"I have to go to this stupid gala tonight with him, he just mentioned it last night. It's his parents and we've never really been in public before and mind you I'm very pregnant. It's a fundraiser for childhood cancer, apparently Celine had cancer when she was little, doctors saved her life"

"Wow, that's incredible"

"Yeah and now I have to fit this belly in a dress"

"Charlotte come on your bump isn't even big, it's medium sized, it's the perfect size you can tell that your pregnant but not about to pop"

"I talked to my doctor about my bump, I know it's small which is what concerns me but she said it was fine, women carry differently"

"Seriously look at you, you are the tiniest person and even if you weren't who cares your beautiful. As long as your healthy and eating" she raised her brows at me

"I am"

"I asked only because I love you and care Charlie. And me again how is Nate going to this, the guy just got shot twice 5 weeks ago? He's not even cleared for sex yet"

"Three days" I sighed

"Wow someone's been counting!"

"My life's been so hectic since, the press swarms outside the hotel and I know it'll be bad tonight. They'll probably say I'm massive" I raised my hands in dramatics as I spoke, I hated paparazzi

"Hey you've entered the third trimester ofcourse your gonna have a bump, plus this will be like your telling the world"

"We keep our relationship incredibly private, it's just speculated that I'm pregnant. Why do you think I'm wearing sunglasses in winter? The paparazzi is just so obnoxious, they'd do anything for a photo of us"

"You married a very popular man, come on he has like three hundred million followers on Instagram okay you knew who you married. Your accounts private, you gatekeep"

"I don't even use Instagram. I didn't even know who he was until after I was trying to figure out, who impregnated me, I barely knew him! When we met I had absolutely no idea who he was"

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