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Charlotte Bartlett

I pulled my car into my spot next to Megs and laid my head back as Belle looked at me. I knew my sister felt sorrow for me, but her best way to show it was some type of comedic way.

"How do I tell my best friends, I'm getting married and have to move out" I put my head down on the wheel hitting it against it "not only that, the guy just happens to be my baby daddy. What if they never forgive me for leaving"

"You're not leaving, you'll always visit. He lives in the city right? I mean you've obviously been to his apartment" she mused which gained an eye roll from me followed by me bawling my face into my palms beginning the cycle of my mental break down

I sobbed like a little baby letting it all out as she began to rub my back in support reminding me that "it's okay" but was it really okay?

Was any of this actually okay? Because my life felt totally fucked. I hadn't even told him about the baby, I had the opportunity but I didn't. I'm still processing it myself "Charlie" my sister eased

My eyes shifted to the lilac air freshener a scent that would now resemble the memory of this break down, this night and the mixture of the smell of marijuana on the freeway

"Charlotte Alice Bartlett" here comes the pep talk

"we got this, you got this! Hey at least you know the sex is good and he seems, like an okay dude? If he hurts you I hurt him, simple fix!" she leaned in and hugged me "your friends won't hate you and if they do, their not true ones" she leaned over unlocked the doors and getting out of the car and I exited my side

She enveloped me into her arms leaning her head on my shoulder "adulting is hard" she mumbled

"If you think about it Aunt Lizzy will have to come with little Julia soon if you're getting married!" the thought brought a smile to my face

Aunt Lizzy got married 2 years ago, she's my mom's youngest sister who's 36. She married a nice guy but they moved to Boston which sucked. They have a 2 year old named Julia Emmalyn Roster. She's a lawyer at a firm in Boston while her husband Josh was an orthopedic surgeon. She used to have all the time in the world for us, but people grow up and life changes.

Walking into the elevator, Denzel was nowhere to be found. I tapped my foot as the floors passed by and soon I heard the familiar ding that signaled I was home looking at the number 14

We exited the elevator walking down the hall and I jiggled the lock to unlock the door. I opened it to see Meg and Grace with wine in hand chatting on the couch "she enters" Grace mocked

"So now I'm in one of your horror films? Are you just the narrator of my downfall? Tell me, how do I die?"

"I'm licensed in psychology not in psychic practices" she placed her glass down on the coffee table and leaned her body against the back of the couch "So give us the rundown, how did it go?"

"Bad, good? They want to lock you in a dungeon!" I put my hand over Meg's mouth and she looked at ring finger catching Graces attention as well

Two gasps were shared, one clearly and the other muffled in my hand  "Hey that's what I did" Belle pulled out the kitchen stool as if she was waiting for a bucket of popcorn to be placed in her hands

"Charlie what's on your finger" Grace walked over looking at my hand "guess I'll just rip off the band aid"

"I'm engaged, my parents set up an arranged marriage" they both stared at me puzzled and shocked

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