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Charlotte Barlett

Exiting the limo my feet touch the ground for exactly one second until I am lifted off the ground. I gasp as I'm thrown over this man's shoulder causing me to squirm in his arms.

"Put me down!" He held me like this until we made it inside a building. My view was the back of his shirt and ass, I didn't mind. But I didn't enjoy being carried most days. I'm placed on the ground and as I straighten out my dress the coolness of the building causes me to shiver. 

I could feel those shots going to my head slowly as we walked to the elevator. The lobby was packed, we were in a hotel of some sort and I wasn't ready to stumble and humiliate myself. I'm guided to a separate elevator and he takes my hand as we step inside.

Once the doors closed I'm pushed against the gold-accented walls. His lips meet mine like some type of drug I can't get enough of and as I run out of air he pulls back and lifts me. He cups my ass as I straddled him. I tilted my head back as he placed kisses along my neck lightly sucking against it. He makes it to a spot on my collarbone that causes me to gasp. He lifts his face to meet mine again.

Those jade eyes were captivating and his grin was devilish, this man had to be most women's nightmare. Because his looks were too charming to resist, I was more of a personality type of person, but he was beautiful.

"Your name Tesoro?" He bit his lip while waiting for my answer.

"Nah ah, your name first" I whispered back. He chuckled softly at my question, I didn't know what was so funny. 

"Nate Crawford" A tone of arrogance lingered in his response, he wanted me to somehow know him, I didn't. But by the elevator and the fifty floors I could tell he was waiting for me to be impressed, stunned by all of it.

"Nathaniel?" I stared at his brown locks of hair, my fingers weaved their way through as his eye contact remained on my eyes. 

"Nobody calls me Nathaniel?" I trail my lips down his jaw line meeting him just below his ear.

"Well I do now, Nathaniel" I mumbled. I'm pulled away from his ear and his lips mesh into mine, he takes all the oxygen from me. I can't find myself to pull away until the bell rings, That had to have been the longest elevator ride of his life

"I'm Charlotte" I say breathlessly as the doors open. I tuck my head into the crook of his neck closing my eyes as he carries me through wherever we were. His lips reach my cheek and as I pulled away he pulls me in again. I held on tight ot him as he made his way up a staircase, the place was dark and barely lit. 

He stops in the hallway and I watch as his eyes move from one white door to another. Then sighing he continued forward down to the farther door, he kicked it open and the space itself was bigger than my own apartment, this wasn't a hotel.

I'm placed her on his bed and he makes quick work with my dress leaving me in just my laced black thong. I was grateful to have left the granny panties behind tonight. But as my chest is revealed my hands cover them instinctually. 

"Don't" He leaned down removing my hands and pinning them back, "They're beautiful Tesoro, never cover yourself up in front of me" His lips met my beck again as I laid in the gray duvet, he leaned down on me slightly and as I closed my eyes I felt his fingers trail down my stomahc. He stops at my underwear line and as I feel his presence move away from my face. His nose skims my stomach causing me to tense. Then I feel the graze of his teeth at my bikini line. I feel my thong move and as I lift my hips they are dragged down my legs til they are discarded.

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