Chapter Ten

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Jason didn't say anything to me on the way home, I know I fucked up but my emotions were just all over the place seeing Solana talking to some guy

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Jason didn't say anything to me on the way home, I know I fucked up but my emotions were just all over the place seeing Solana talking to some guy.

Once we walked in the house, I went in the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed not saying anything.

"You fucking my daughter?" Jason asked standing behind me but not too close.

I looked up at the ceiling sighing then I looked back at him.

He scoffed, "Wow so that's why you wasn't fucking me?"

"Answer me!" He screamed

Here come the tears, "Yes" I cried

"I mean yeah I fucked other bitches but you were fucking my own daughter!" He screamed causing me to jump.

"Jason please" I stood up walking toward trying to reach out to him.

"Dont touch me!"

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!" He yelled pushing me down on the floor making me groan in pain.


I just laid the floor crying, "Baby please"

"FUCK YOU!" He yelled

"Jason" I whined

"I will let you have this house & I will be filing for divorce"

He bent down grabbing me by hair & made me look at him.

"You lucky I don't fucking kill you bitch!" He let me go & left out the house.

I just laid on the floor crying over & over again.

I know it was wrong but my feelings for Solana surpasses my love for Jason, but seeing her face & how much she was disgusted with me made me not want to live anymore.

I laid in the fetal position for at least 3 days, Tasha has came by here trying to talk to me but I didn't have anything to say.

As I was laying there I heard someone unlock the front door & came in.

"Monet!" I heard Tasha yell.

"In here" I said loud enough for her to here.

"Girl what the hell are you doing?" She asked coming in the room.

"Leave me alone" I sat up wiping my face.

"Damn Mo I thought something was wrong with you" She said sitting down on the floor next to me.

I wiped my tears, "Mo what happened?"

I glanced over at her she could tell what happened just by the expression on my face.

"When did he find out?"

"At the party, I followed Solana in the bathroom & I guess he knew something was up because when she opened the door he was standing there"

"Damn it Mo, I told you this was going to get messy"

"Do you love him?" I looked at her again & slowly shook my head no.

"You love Solana?" That was a great question did I love her or how she made me feel.

"More than anything" I gave a small smile thinking about Solo.

"Well you need to fix this whole mess"

I shook my head, "No I can't"

"Why can't you, Look Mo you are my best friend & I hate seeing you like this but it is kind of your fault"

"I know" I laid my head on her shoulder crying louder.

After my cry session I decided to take a shower & do my normal hygiene routine.

Tasha stayed with me making me so food & we just sat in the living room watching tv drinking wine.

Over the next few weeks I spent a lot of time dealing with this divorce, Jason wouldn't even look at me during court I just wish this would hurry up & be over.

Solana & I have not talked nor seen each other which I really miss her but I know she won't talk to me, I sent bouquets of roses & cards but she never responded to me.

I decided to move back to Jamaica for a little bit just to get my head together & not worry about this stuff anymore

"I can't believe I am going to have two babies" Tasha sighed as we walked around the mall getting some stuff for the gender reveal.

"I know are you ready for two little kids?"

"Honestly no, but my baby momma's get along & Jamia knows that I love India but we are always going to be family"

"I like that, at least your happy, I wish I could be there for the reveal" I sighed

"I know but you will be back for the baby shower" She slapped my shoulder playfully.

"I know but I can't seem to stop thinking about Solana maybe I should go see her before I leave" I sighed

"Mo come on now that's over you deserve to be happy & loved do you really think she is going to want to talk?"

I bit my lip thinking maybe she was right, as we walked around the mall I thought about moving on & dating someone that wants me, I wanted the family that my parents had but I doubt if that will happen for me especially with how I went about things.

"I love these streamers" Tasha said showing me some pink streamers.

"Just know that it's going to be a girl huh?"

"Yeah I do I already have a little boy so why not a girl" She giggled.

"You are a mess"

Today actually wasn't bad but I know in a few days I will be in Jamaica & it scared me being away from the person I loved & wanted to be with.

The Stepmother {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now