XLIV. Class Of 2024

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     Chapter 44, Class Of 2024

   " You see, the math ain't mathing so leave me alone. "

~ Scarlett's POV ~

        Today was the day that i graduated, June 24th, on a beautiful Friday.
   I was nervous as I woke up from my sleep and walked to the breath, my nerves were messing up and I felt like I was ready to vomit everything I've eaten which was nothing.

      As I brushed my teeth, i grabbed my phone and began to make emotional posts with different photos that i had with everyone, then I decided to call Xiomara, Kylee and Delilah just so that we could all meet up and have breakfast.
   I never realized show scared i was of growing up until I looked through all of my memories and saw different photos of me when I was younger, i would never be able to experience the things I did for the first time again.

      Normally, people would be so proud that they wouldn't have to relive what they did but I didn't, instead I wished that i could go back in time and relive the things I did to make different choices.
   I wanted to see the different outcomes i would have if I were to choose all of the opposite options, but I know that i would end up suffering more than I should have.

    I did light makeup and did my hair into a claw clip ponytail before throwing on some swear pants with a tank top, I grabbed my phone and said good morning to everyone before leaving the house and walking to my car.
    The day I almost got hit by a car made me think way differently than I already do, i still think that i should've gotten hit with the car because of how shaken up i was, maybe i was hit by a car and i was just pretending i survived.

    Or what if I never even existed, what if I was some dead child that my dad just has in his head and he just wants to believe I'm alive, I've seen movies that are just like this which always scares me.
   Then again I don't think the world would keep me here if I actually died, besides I always imagined my death to be some type of brutally Gorey one, a death that'll be spoken about for years to come.

     "Okay so we're all getting dressed at whose house?"

   Kylee asked, I told a deep breath and thought for a moment because I hadn't thought about whose house we would be getting ready at, Xiomara looked at me and then decided we would all get dressed at separate houses but meet at Kylee's.
   We agreed to that and then after eating our breakfast, I checked the clock and decided i should start my little routine, i said goodbye to my best friends and drove back home as I had mixed feelings of nervous and excitement.


   When I finally arrived home, i parked my car and got out as I skipped happily to the front door.
   I opened it and smiled at my parents that fell asleep together on the couch and at the sight of my baby brother sleeping in his crib peacefully, I walked over to my parents and shook them gently.

    "Graduation is in five hours and y'all need to get ready."

   I told my parents as they woke up, they nodded as I walked off and up the stairs to get ready.
   I walked into my bathroom and stripped off my clothing before hopping into the shower and staying there for quite awhile, i wanted to relax my muscles and try to calm my mind.

    I did what I had to do and then got out the shower, i walked to my room where my dress laid spread on my bed with my jewelry and heels stood beside the dress, Alana must have set this up for me.
   I smiled at the clothing and began to put my under clothes on, i put on deodorant and perfume before putting on an oversized shirt and shorts, i had four hours so I need about thirty minutes to do my nails.

      I pulled a box from under my vanity and opened it, i searched for a good color that would match anything I wore for the next two months, I'll repaint my nails if i needed to.
  Finally, i decided to choose a pretty dark red color and then grabbed my phone to face time Jaden, i haven't spoke to him all day.

      After two rings, he answered with a smile playing on his lips as he looked at the camera, which always scared me because it seems like he's staring into my soul.
   We spoke as I painted my nails and allowed my nails to dry, i had a towel wrapped around my head since I decided to wash it and detangle it which is always difficult to do with curly-ish hair.

   "Jaden, you can't call your twin ugly if you share the same face."

     At this moment you were witnessing me and Jaden playfully arguing on whether or not twins could call each other ugly, Jaden said you can but I say you can't.
   You're basically insulting yourself which isn't something you would do, especially if you're staring at your twin who is just like you, facial features wise.

  " You see, the math ain't mathing so leave me alone. "

        Jaden told me as we laughed, i nodded slowly before grabbing my makeup, i had three and half hours before I had to get there so I did my makeup as my nerves began to act up again.
   I think Jaden noticed because he began to switch the topic and try to get my mind off of the graduation, he was also getting ready with me but he still had to tie his tie which was Jessica that had to do it.
      I'm more grateful for Jaden, he's done his mistakes that i shouldn't hold him accountable for anymore but that doesn't make me love him any less.
  He's right his wrongs, although every now and then it stings me, that doesn't mean I'm going to continue to bring it up in an argument or joke about it.

   But we both know where our loyalty lies with one another and it's stronger, in some sick twisted way, i could thank Meredith for destroying our relationship.
   After all, it's thanks to her that we came back stronger than ever.

   So thank you Meredith, you've made me the happiest girl in the world.

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