31. Grand Ball

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A/N: Second upload of the week. ^_^
I think it will get intense from then on.

Will try to update this weekend. I have a lot on my plate.



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Mudhish Palace - Grand Ball

On the set occasion, the palace banquet hall was adorned with beautiful lights and decorations. The whole place was lively as the royals and the commoners were interacting with one another. The event was held not only inside the palace but also in its vast garden where people can gather and mingle with one another.

The reigning royal family is joyful but has another thing on their minds. It's already one week before the wedding of the First Prince and the maiden of the Salem clan. Everyone, who was assigned to the preparation, is still busy with their tasks.

However, Neero couldn't care less about it because currently, he's preparing for something more important.

His parents were worried but they let their eldest son be.

"Brother." Judah patted the man's shoulders as he gave him a glass of wine and looked at the live band up on the center stage.

Neero just nodded in return and kept his stone-like expression while standing at one side of the hall. He has this unique suaveness in him which attracts many butterflies. Ladies of all ages ogled at the man once they saw him clad in a navy blue Hughes three-piece suit.

The First Prince kept his distance from all the noble ladies who tried to speak with him. His aloofness is uncommon because he's known to be considerate with fairer gender. He's not in the mood for such things and was patiently waiting for someone.

Just on cue, the Shechem entourage graced the purple carpet at the lobby. Neero's gaze landed on the most entrancing woman, who was walking behind the entourage, to the banquet hall.

Her back was straight and her shoulders moving back and down – but in a relaxed way. As the woman walks, her arms swung slightly which helped her keep an elegant pace. She didn't move her hips too much, as other women do, but kept it subtle. Her movement was desirable in one’s sight and one may tell that she has an experience with the runway. Of course, most people don't know that.

Wearing her Ziv-designed dark blue flowing gown, men were enthralled by Mia's presence.

Surely the Shechem family had something up their sleeves and was letting the First Prince gawk at their fairest maiden. To add icing on the cake, Viola stayed beside Mia and was introducing her to a lot of people, specially single men.

This action was not taken lightly by the First Prince and drank his wine all the way.

Neero and Mia became an official couple weeks before the event.

"Don't, brother. There are many eyes looking at us." Judah nudged. He already knows about the couple's relationship but they have to be careful because of the upcoming wedding.

On the other side, Thomas was also present but the Shechem members made him sit down immediately. His recovery can be considered a miracle and Mia doesn't want him to push himself very hard.

It's been three weeks since Thomas woke up and felt good about his body. The heart device helped a lot with his new chance in life and was very grateful to his family on both sides.

By the influence of Duchess Viola, the medical experts granted permission for the young man to travel. Though allowed, the nurses around Thomas are strict on his actions and medicines.

Women also glanced at the young man because of his natural charms. He's young but his attractiveness has yet to come in full.

"So, where are you staying?" One nobleman inquired Mia, who's standing and observing the celebration.

The royalty seemed to be interested in the niece of Duchess Viola and was pestering Mia since they were introduced.

"States." Mia shortly replied, excusing herself after and approached Thomas to avoid him. She chatted with her brother for a while and calmed herself in the process.

Viola appeared to be satisfied with the attention that Mia was getting. She needed the fraud woman to fulfill her plans. Now that the rumors that Neero could be disqualified, she birthed another plan. To let Mia be known to all and hoping to catch the attention of the next strongest candidate of being the Crown Prince.

Mia went along with Viola’s lead. She and Neero discussed the possibility that Viola already knew of the fact about her identity since she has many connections. If the middle-aged lady is using her, they will also scheme in Viola’s way.

When Mia got tired of mingling, she scanned the huge room and saw the apple of her eye. She took a deep breath as she darted her gaze to the most handsome man inside the palace.

When Neero met her green orbs, he flashed a mysterious smile and averted his eyes, chuckling. He then saw Mia elegantly brought a glass of wine to her lips and sexily gulped the liquid. His jaws clenched at the sight and swore. He hastily went to the bathroom as Judah laughed quietly.

After some time, Mia discreetly separated herself from the Shechem family and went to the palace gardens. She felt suffocated with some of  the aristocrats who just paraded their wealth and power simultaneously.

Mia thought she needed a break and let Thomas know that she will have a quick tour of the gardens.

She saw several people interacting on one side of the gardens. Her eyes laid on the area where no one obviously visited -- a mini labyrinth.

Its walls reached her shoulders and one could only see the tall green hedges guiding the unknown paths.

Well, who are they kidding? Mia got her phone and looked for an image of this particular garden to ease her way to the central part.

Not long after, she was at her destination and gaped at the flowery scenery in front of her. This is in contrast to the plain hedges she walked by earlier.

Once she stepped on a big gazebo, a rough hand caught her. She gasped when a tall matured man, with jet black hair and dark grey eyes, suddenly gripped her wrist.

"Who are you?"

"Tell me your name."

Both of them said at the same time. They stared at one another until a firm baritone voice sprung at the background.

"Let go of her."

The unknown man smirked and released his hold to the pretty young lady. Nonetheless, he stared at her with an amused expression.

Neero approached Mia and possessively hugged her waist.

"Baby, you okay?" His eyes scanned her frame for any abnormality and thankfully found none.

Mia nodded in response. Then both of them set their eyes on the stranger who was looking over with much intrigue.

"Ahh forbidden love. Brought me back to those times." The older man broke the silence and sneered inside.

Before Neero could utter a question, footsteps could be heard around.

Few palace guards surrounded the area and gave way for two people.

The monarch couple appeared before them.

"Augustine." King Reuben uttered sharply.

"Laura." The stranger remarked without acknowledging the one who spoke.

"B-brother." Queen Laura called out, whispering.

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