Chapter 22

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Song Yan is standing on the corridor and smoking. Xu Qin reminds him: "This is not a small case, you really want to report it to her university?"

Song Yan just smokes and says nothing.

Xu Qin guesses: "You just want to scare her off right, let her says that the supplier is Ye Zi?"

Song Yan looks at Xu Qin; "how do you know?"

Xu Qin: "Em, I feel that something is wrong with her."

Song Yan says: "I hope that Di Miao could make this clear. She should make a stop for this. This is her responsibility, she shouldn't avoid it; if it's not her mistake, of course I wouldn't let her bare it."

Xu Qin understands him well. He is an upright person, yet he also someone that is very protective. Xu Qin says: "It's useless to think about it, Di Miao wouldn't expose her."

"Supposedly she still looks to continue do this business." Song Yan ridicules. "If she has that kind of thinking, it's nothing if her action is recorded by the university..... You also watched how stubborn she is. She is so smart and doesn't know she should repent and mend her ways. She is using the police's sympathy. That girl should be beaten."

Xu Qin says: "If you are her Pa Ma, it doesn't matter. She could be expelled. But Jiu Jiu Jiu Ma ——"

Song Yan frowns, he looks troubled.

Jiu Jiu and Jiu Ma are good people. For this matter they would scold Di Miao. But after all she is an adult now, they would worry about her.

Xu Qin looks at him: "Let me talk with Di Miao. You continue to exert pressure to the police and let Ye Zi speaks up. I observed before that she seems to want to contact someone, but she keeps on being hesitant. No matter how, there's a way to stop them to do this thing again."

Song Yan looks at her and suddenly laughs: "one of us pretends to be kind, while the other pretends to be harsh?"


Both of them return to the police room, Di Miao is on alert, she is examining Song Yan. She looks terrified.

Xu Qin says: "Di Miao, come out"

Though Di Miao doesn't like Xu Qin but looking at how she helps her before, she listens to her and comes out.

Inside the room, there are only three people now. Ye Zi doesn't dare to take a look at Song Yan.

Song Yan also doesn't mind her, he looks at the police: "This student and our Di Miao are together?"

"Yes, they are."

Song Yan asks: "Is the charge divided clearly?"

Ye Zi bites her lips.

The police hesitates: "Not yet...."

Song Yan: "you haven't asked her?"

Police: "I've asked, but she said nothing."

Song Yan doesn't speak any nonsense anymore, he looks at Ye Zi and says: "You are Di Miao's supllier right?"

Ye Zi holds her phone tightly and says nothing.

Song Yan doesn't want to waste anymore time with her and looks at the police. He says: "Di Miao is doing something wrong, we would bare the consequences; but this student couldn't get by under false pretense. If Di Miao is the one that drags her into this, we would take responsibility; but if she is the one that drags her, we definitely would see for justice. Now she is alone, she shouldn't be alone, call her family or friends. If she keeps on being silent, just call her teacher. I know from which university she is, it's easy to find which department she is from."

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